Compendium Deluxe 2
LSD and 17bit Compendium Deluxe - Volume II.iso
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** Amiga Oberon Interface Module:
** $VER: Graphics.mod 40.15 (6.11.94) Oberon 3.5
** © 1993 by Fridtjof Siebert
** updated for V39, V40 by hartmut Goebel
MODULE Graphics;
e * := Exec,
u * := Utility,
h * := Hardware,
RectanglePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Rectangle;
Rect32Ptr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Rect32;
ClipRectPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ClipRect;
CprlistPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Cprlist;
CopListDummyPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO CopListDummy;
CopList13Ptr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO CopList13;
CopinitPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Copinit;
ExtendedNodePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ExtendedNode;
MonitorSpecPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO MonitorSpec;
AnalogSignalIntervalPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO AnalogSignalInterval;
SpecialMonitorPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO SpecialMonitor;
QueryHeaderPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO QueryHeader;
DisplayInfoPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DisplayInfo;
DimensionInfoPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DimensionInfo;
MonitorInfoPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO MonitorInfo;
NameInfoPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO NameInfo;
AnimCompPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO AnimComp;
DBufPacketPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO DBufPacket;
CollTablePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO CollTable;
IsrvstrPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Isrvstr;
LayerInfoPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO LayerInfo;
AreaInfoPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO AreaInfo;
GelsInfoPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO GelsInfo;
RastPortPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO RastPort;
RegionRectanglePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO RegionRectangle;
RegionPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Region;
BitScaleArgsPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO BitScaleArgs;
SimpleSpritePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO SimpleSprite;
TextAttrPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO TextAttr;
TextFontPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO TextFont;
TextFontExtensionPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO TextFontExtension;
ColorFontColorsPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ColorFontColors;
ColorTextFontPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ColorTextFont;
TextextentPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO Textextent;
ViewPortPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ViewPort;
ViewExtraPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ViewExtra;
ViewPortExtraPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ViewPortExtra;
ColorMapPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ColorMap;
ExtSpritePtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO ExtSprite;
PaletteExtraPtr * = UNTRACED POINTER TO PaletteExtra;
Rectangle * = STRUCT
minX*, minY* : INTEGER;
maxX*, maxY* : INTEGER;
Rect32 * = STRUCT
minX*, minY* : LONGINT;
maxX*, maxY* : LONGINT;
Point * = STRUCT
x*,y*: INTEGER;
BitMap * = STRUCT
bytesPerRow *: INTEGER;
rows *: INTEGER;
flags *: e.BYTE;
depth *: SHORTINT;
pad *: INTEGER;
planes *: ARRAY 8 OF PLANEPTR;
(* flags for AllocBitMap, etc. *)
bmbClear * = 0;
bmbDisplayable * = 1;
bmbInterleaved * = 2;
bmbStandard * = 3;
bmbMinplanes * = 4;
(* the following are for GetBitMapAttr() *)
bmaHeight * = 0;
bmaDepth * = 4;
bmaWidth * = 8;
bmaFlags * = 12;
Layer * = STRUCT
front-, back -: LayerPtr;
clipRect -: ClipRectPtr; (* read by roms to find first cliprect *)
rp -: RastPortPtr;
bounds -: Rectangle;
reserved -: ARRAY 4 OF e.BYTE;
priority -: INTEGER; (* system use only *)
flags -: SET; (* obscured ?, Virtual BitMap? *)
superBitMap -: BitMapPtr;
superClipRect -: ClipRectPtr; (* super bitmap cliprects if VBitMap != 0*)
(* else damage cliprect list for refresh *)
window -: e.APTR; (* reserved for user interface use *)
scrollX-,scrollY-: INTEGER;
cr-,cr2-,crnew -: ClipRectPtr; (* used by dedice *)
superSaveClipRects -: ClipRectPtr; (* preallocated cr's *)
cliprects -: ClipRectPtr; (* system use during refresh *)
layerInfo -: LayerInfoPtr; (* points to head of the list *)
lock -: e.SignalSemaphore;
backFill -: u.HookPtr;
reserved1 -: LONGINT;
clipRegion -: RegionPtr;
saveClipRects -: RegionPtr; (* used to back out when in trouble*)
width-,height-: INTEGER; (* system use *)
reserved2 -: ARRAY 18 OF e.BYTE;
(* this must stay here *)
damageList -: RegionPtr; (* list of rectangles to refresh through *)
ClipRect * = STRUCT
next *: ClipRectPtr; (* roms used to find next ClipRect *)
prev *: ClipRectPtr; (* ignored by roms, used by windowlib *)
lobs *: LayerPtr; (* ignored by roms, used by windowlib *)
bitMap *: BitMapPtr;
bounds *: Rectangle; (* set up by windowlib, used by roms *)
p1*,p2 *: ClipRectPtr; (* system reserved *)
reserved *: LONGINT; (* system use *)
flags *: LONGSET; (* only exists in layer allocation *)
(* MUST be multiple of 8 bytes to buffer *)
(* internal cliprect flags *)
needsNoConcealedRasters * = 1;
needsNoLayerBlitDamage * = 2;
(* defines for code values for getcode *)
isLessX * = 1;
isLessY * = 2;
isGrtrX * = 4;
isGrtrY * = 8;
(* These bit descriptors are used by the GEL collide routines.
* These bits are set in the hitMask and meMask variables of
* a GEL to describe whether or not these types of collisions
* can affect the GEL. BNDRY_HIT is described further below;
* this bit is permanently assigned as the boundary-hit flag.
* The other bit GEL_HIT is meant only as a default to cover
* any GEL hitting any other; the user may redefine this bit.
borderHit * = 0;
(* These bit descriptors are used by the GEL boundry hit routines.
* When the user's boundry-hit routine is called (via the argument
* set by a call to SetCollision) the first argument passed to
* the user's routine is the address of the GEL involved in the
* boundry-hit, and the second argument has the appropriate bit(s)
* set to describe which boundry was surpassed
topHit * = 1;
bottomHit * = 2;
leftHit * = 4;
rightHit * = 8;
(* Copper: *)
(* graphics copper list intstruction definitions *)
move * = 0; (* pseude opcode for move #XXXX,dir *)
wait * = 1; (* pseudo opcode for wait y,x *)
next * = 2; (* continue processing with next buffer *)
ntLof * = 15; (* copper instruction only for short frames *)
ntSht * = 14; (* copper instruction only for long frames *)
ntSys * = 13; (* copper user instruction only *)
CopIns * = STRUCT
opCode *: INTEGER; (* 0 = move, 1 = wait *)
destAddr *: INTEGER; (* vertical beam wait OR
* destination address of copper move *)
destData *: INTEGER; (* beam wait position OR
* destination immediate data to send *)
opCode *: INTEGER; (* should be 2 = next *)
nxtList *: CopListDummyPtr;
(* structure of cprlist that points to list that hardware actually executes *)
Cprlist * = STRUCT
next *: CprlistPtr;
start *: e.APTR; (* start of copper list *)
maxCount *: INTEGER; (* number of long instructions *)
CopListDummy * = STRUCT END;
CopList * = STRUCT (dummy *: CopListDummy)
next *: CopListPtr; (* next block for this copper list *)
copList *: CopListPtr; (* system use *)
viewPort *: ViewPortPtr;(* system use *)
copIns *: CopInsPtr; (* start of this block *)
copPtr *: CopInsPtr; (* intermediate ptr *)
copLStart *: e.APTR; (* mrgcop fills this in for Long Frame*)
copSStart *: e.APTR; (* mrgcop fills this in for Short Frame*)
count *: INTEGER; (* intermediate counter *)
maxCount *: INTEGER; (* max # of copins for this block *)
dyOffset *: INTEGER; (* offset this copper list vertical waits *)
slRepeat *: INTEGER;;
flags *: SET;
CopList13 * = STRUCT (dummy *: CopListDummy)
next *: CopList13Ptr; (* next block for this copper list *)
copList *: CopList13Ptr; (* system use *)
viewPort *: ViewPortPtr; (* system use *)
copIns *: CopInsPtr; (* start of this block *)
copPtr *: CopInsPtr; (* intermediate ptr *)
copLStart *: e.APTR; (* mrgcop fills this in for Long Frame*)
copSStart *: e.APTR; (* mrgcop fills this in for Short Frame*)
count *: INTEGER; (* intermediate counter *)
maxCount *: INTEGER; (* max # of copins for this block *)
dyOffset *: INTEGER; (* offset this copper list vertical waits *)
cop2Start *: e.APTR;
cop3Start *: e.APTR;
cop4Start *: e.APTR;
cop5Start *: e.APTR;
slRepeat *: INTEGER;;
flags *: SET;
(* These CopList->Flags are private *)
exactLine = 1;
halfLine = 2;
UCopList * = STRUCT
next *: UCopListPtr;
firstCopList *: CopListDummyPtr; (* head node of this copper list *)
copList *: CopListDummyPtr; (* node in use *)
(* Private graphics data structure. This structure has changed in the past,
* and will continue to change in the future. Do Not Touch!
Copinit = STRUCT
vsyncHblank *: ARRAY 2 OF INTEGER;
diagstart *: ARRAY 12 OF INTEGER; (* copper list for first bitplane *)
diwstart *: ARRAY 10 OF INTEGER;
bplcon2 *: ARRAY 2 OF INTEGER;
sprfix *: ARRAY (2*8) OF INTEGER;
sprstrtup *: ARRAY (2*8*2) OF INTEGER;
wait14 *: ARRAY 2 OF INTEGER;
normHblank *: ARRAY 2 OF INTEGER;
waitForever *: ARRAY 6 OF INTEGER;
sprstop *: ARRAY 8 OF INTEGER;
(* bplcon0 defines *)
mode640 * = 15;
plnCntMsk * = {0..2}; (* how many bit planes? *)
(* 0 = none, 1->6 = 1->6, 7 = reserved *)
plnCntShft * = 12; (* bits to shift for bplcon0 *)
pf2pri * = 6; (* bplcon2 bit *)
colorOn * = 9; (* disable color burst *)
dblpf * = 10;
holdnmodify * = 11;
interlace * = 2; (* interlace mode for 400 *)
(* bplcon1 defines *)
fineScroll * = {0..3};
fineScrollShift * = 4;
fineScrollMask * = {0..3};
(* display window start and stop defines *)
horizPos * = {0..6}; (* horizontal start/stop *)
vrtclPos * = {0..8}; (* vertical start/stop *)
vrtclPosShift * = 7;
(* Data fetch start/stop horizontal position *)
dftchMask * = {0..7};
(* vposr bits *)
vposrlof * = {15};
ExtendedNode * = STRUCT (node *: e.Node)
subsystem *: SHORTINT;
subtype *: SHORTINT;
library *: LONGINT;
init *: e.PROC;
ssGraphics * = 2;
viewExtraType * = 1;
viewPortExtraType * = 2;
specialMonitorType * = 3;
monitorSpecType * = 4;
MonitorSpec * = STRUCT (node *: ExtendedNode)
flags *: SET;
ratioh *: LONGINT;
ratiow *: LONGINT;
totalRows *: INTEGER;
totalColorclocks *: INTEGER;
deniseMaxDisplayColumn *: INTEGER;
beamCon0 *: INTEGER;
minRow *: INTEGER;
special *: SpecialMonitorPtr;
openCount *: INTEGER;
transform *: e.PROC;
translate *: e.PROC;
scale *: e.PROC;
xoffset *: INTEGER;
yoffset *: INTEGER;
legalView *: Rectangle;
maxoscan *: e.PROC; (* maximum legal overscan *)
videoscan *: e.PROC; (* video display overscan *)
deniseMinDisplayColumn *: INTEGER;
displayCompatible *: LONGINT;
displayInfoDataBase *: e.List;
displayInfoDataBaseSemaphore *: e.SignalSemaphore;
mrgCop *: e.PROC;
loadView *: e.PROC;
killView *: e.PROC;
toMonitor * = 0;
fromMonitor * = 1;
standardXOffset * = 9;
standardYOffset * = 0;
msbRequestNTSC * = 0;
msbRequestPAL * = 1;
msbRequestSpecial * = 2;
msbRequestA2024 * = 3;
msbDoubleSprites * = 4;
(* obsolete, v37 compatible definitions follow *)
requestNTSC * = 1; (* note: this are SET-values! [hG] *)
requestPAL * = 2;
requestSpecial * = 4;
requestA2024 * = 8;
defaultMonitorName * = "default.monitor";
ntscMonitorName * = "ntsc.monitor";
palMonitorName * = "pal.monitor";
standardMonitorMask * = requestNTSC + requestPAL;
standardNTSCRows * = 262;
standardPALRows * = 312;
standardColorClocks * = 226;
standardDeniseMax * = 455;
standardDeniseMin * = 93;
standardNTSCBeamCon * = {};
standardPALBeamCon * = {h.displayPal};
specialBeamCon * = {h.varVBlank,h.loLDis,h.varVSync,h.varHSync,h.varBeam,
minNTSCRow * = 21;
minPALRow * = 29;
standardViewX * = 81H;
standardViewY * = 2CH;
standardHBStrt * = 06H;
standardHSStrt * = 0BH;
standardHSStop * = 1CH;
standardHBStop * = 2CH;
standardVBStrt * = 0122H;
standardVSStrt * = 02A6H;
standardVSStop * = 03AAH;
standardVBStop * = 1066H;
vgaColorClocks * = standardColorClocks DIV 2;
vgaTotalRows * = standardNTSCRows * 2;
vgaDeniseMin * = 59;
minvgaRow * = 29;
vgaHBStrt * = 08H;
vgaHSStrt * = 0EH;
vgaHSStop * = 1CH;
vgaHBStop * = 1EH;
vgaVBStrt * = 0000H;
vgaVSStrt * = 0153H;
vgaVSStop * = 0235H;
vgaVBStop * = 0CCDH;
vgaMonitorName * = "vga.monitor";
(* NOTE: VGA70 definitions are obsolete - a VGA70 monitor has never been
* implemented.
vga70ColorClocks * = standardColorClocks DIV 2;
vga70TotalRows * = 449;
vga70DeniseMin * = 59;
minvga70Row * = 35;
vga70HBStrt * = 08H;
vga70HSStrt * = 0EH;
vga70HSStop * = 1CH;
vga70HBStop * = 1EH;
vga70VBStrt * = 0000H;
vga70VSStrt * = 02A6H;
vga70VSStop * = 0388H;
vga70VBStop * = 0F73H;
vga70BeamCon * = specialBeamCon / {h.vSyncTrue};
vga70MonitorName * = "vga70.monitor";
broadcastHBStrt * = 01H;
broadcastHSStrt * = 06H;
broadcastHSStop * = 17H;
broadcastHBStop * = 27H;
broadcastVBStrt * = 0000H;
broadcastVSStrt * = 02A6H;
broadcastVSStop * = 054CH;
broadcastVBStop * = 1C40H;
broadcastBeamCon * = {h.loLDis,h.csBlank};
ratioFixedPart * = 4;
rationUnity * = ASH(1,ratioFixedPart);
AnalogSignalInterval * = STRUCT
start *: INTEGER;
stop *: INTEGER;
SpecialMonitor * = STRUCT (node *: ExtendedNode)
flags *: SET;
doMonitor *: e.PROC;
reserved1 *: e.PROC;
reserved2 *: e.PROC;
reserved3 *: e.PROC;
hblank *: AnalogSignalInterval;
vblank *: AnalogSignalInterval;
hsync *: AnalogSignalInterval;
vsync *: AnalogSignalInterval;
(* the "public" handle to a DisplayInfoRecord *)
DisplayInfoHandle * = e.APTR;
(* datachunk type identifiers *)
dtagDisp * = 80000000H;
dtagDims * = 80001000H;
dtagMntr * = 80002000H;
dtagName * = 80003000H;
dtagVec * = 80004000H; (* internal use only *)
QueryHeader * = STRUCT
structID *: LONGINT; (* datachunk type identifier *)
displayID *: LONGINT; (* copy of display record key *)
skipID *: LONGINT; (* TAG_SKIP -- see tagitems.h *)
length *: LONGINT; (* length of local data in double-longwords *)
DisplayInfo * = STRUCT (header *: QueryHeader)
notAvailable *: INTEGER; (* if NULL available, else see defines *)
propertyFlags *: LONGSET; (* Properties of this mode see defines *)
resolution *: Point; (* ticks-per-pixel X/Y *)
pixelSpeed *: INTEGER; (* aproximation in nanoseconds *)
numStdSprites *: INTEGER; (* number of standard amiga sprites *)
paletteRange *: INTEGER; (* OBSOLETE - use Red/Green/Blue bits instead *)
spriteResolution *: Point; (* std sprite ticks-per-pixel X/Y *)
pad *: ARRAY 4 OF e.BYTE;
redBits *: e.UBYTE; (* number of Red bits this display supports (V39) *)
greenBits *: e.UBYTE; (* number of Green bits this display supports (V39) *)
blueBits *: e.UBYTE; (* number of Blue bits this display supports (V39) *)
pad2 *: ARRAY 5 OF e.UBYTE; (* find some use for this. *)
reserved *: ARRAY 2 OF LONGINT; (* terminator *)
(* availability *)
availNoChips * = 0001H;
availNoMonitor * = 0002H;
availNotWithGenlock * = 0004H;
(* mode properties *)
isLace * = 0;
isDualPF * = 1;
isPF2pri * = 2;
isHAM * = 3;
isECS * = 4; (* note: ECS modes (SHIRES, VGA, and **
** PRODUCTIVITY) do not support **
** attached sprites. **
isAA * = 16; (* AA modes - may only be available
** if machine has correct memory
** type to support required
** bandwidth - check availability.
** (V39)
isPAL * = 5;
isSprites * = 6;
isGenlock * = 7;
isWB * = 8;
isDraggable * = 9;
isPanelled * = 10;
isBeamSync * = 11;
isExtraHalfBrite * = 12;
(* The following DIPF_IS_... flags are new for V39 *)
isSpritesAtt * = 13; (* supports attached sprites *)
isSpritesChngRes * = 14; (* supports variable sprite resolution *)
isSpritesBorder * = 15; (* sprite can be displayed in the border *)
isScandbl * = 17; (* scan doubled *)
isSpritesChngBase * = 18; (* can change the sprite base color *)
isSpritesChngPri * = 19; (* can change the sprite priority
** with respect to the playfield(s).
isDbuffer * = 20; (* can support double buffering *)
isProgbeam * = 21; (* is a programmed beam-sync mode *)
isForeign * = 31; (* this mode is not native to the Amiga *)
DimensionInfo * = STRUCT (header *: QueryHeader)
maxDepth *: INTEGER; (* log2( max number of colors ) *)
minRasterWidth *: INTEGER; (* minimum width in pixels *)
minRasterHeight *: INTEGER; (* minimum height in pixels *)
maxRasterWidth *: INTEGER; (* maximum width in pixels *)
maxRasterHeight *: INTEGER; (* maximum height in pixels *)
nominal *: Rectangle; (* "standard" dimensions *)
maxOScan *: Rectangle; (* fixed, hardware dependant *)
videoOScan *: Rectangle; (* fixed, hardware dependant *)
txtOScan *: Rectangle; (* editable via preferences *)
stdOScan *: Rectangle; (* editable via preferences *)
pad *: ARRAY 14 OF e.BYTE;
reserved *: ARRAY 2 OF LONGINT; (* terminator *)
MonitorInfo * = STRUCT (header *: QueryHeader)
mspc *: MonitorSpecPtr; (* pointer to monitor specification *)
viewPosition *: Point; (* editable via preferences *)
viewResolution *: Point; (* standard monitor ticks-per-pixel *)
viewPositionRange *: Rectangle; (* fixed, hardware dependant *)
totalRows *: INTEGER; (* display height in scanlines *)
totalColorClocks *: INTEGER; (* scanline width in 280 ns units *)
minRow *: INTEGER; (* absolute minimum active scanline *)
compatibility *: INTEGER; (* how this coexists with others *)
pad *: ARRAY 32 OF e.BYTE;
mouseTicks *: Point;
defaultViewPosition *: Point; (* original, never changes *)
preferredModeID *: LONGINT; (* for Preferences *)
reserved *: ARRAY 2 OF LONGINT; (* terminator *)
(* The following VecInfo structure is PRIVATE, for our use only
* Touch these, and burn! (V39)
VecInfo = STRUCT
header : QueryHeader;
vec : e.APTR;
data : e.APTR;
type : INTEGER;
reserved : ARRAY 2 OF LONGINT;
(* monitor compatibility *)
mCompatMixed * = 0; (* can share display with other mCompatMixed *)
mCompatSelf * = 1; (* can share only within same monitor *)
mCompatNobody * = -1; (* only one viewport at a time *)
displayNameLen * = 32;
NameInfo * = STRUCT (header *: QueryHeader)
name *: ARRAY displayNameLen OF CHAR;
reserved *: ARRAY 2 OF LONGINT; (* terminator *)
(* DisplayInfoRecord identifiers *)
invalidID * = -1;
(* With all the new modes that are available under V38 and V39, it is highly
* recommended that you use either the asl.library screenmode requester,
* and/or the V39 graphics.library function BestModeIDA().
* DO NOT interpret the any of the bits in the ModeID for its meaning. For
* example, do not interpret bit 3 (0x4) as meaning the ModeID is interlaced.
* Instead, use GetDisplayInfoData() with DTAG_DISP, and examine the DIPF_...
* flags to determine a ModeID's characteristics. The only exception to
* this rule is that bit 7 (0x80) will always mean the ModeID is
* ExtraHalfBright, and bit 11 (0x800) will always mean the ModeID is HAM.
(* normal identifiers *)
monitorIDMask * = 0FFFF1000H;
defaultMonitorID * = 00000000H;
ntscMonitorID * = 00011000H;
palMonitorID * = 00021000H;
(* the following 22 composite keys are for Modes on the default Monitor
* ntsc & pal "flavors" of these particular keys may be made by or'ing
* the ntsc or pal MONITOR_ID with the desired MODE_KEY...
* For example, to specifically open a PAL HAM interlaced ViewPort
* (or intuition screen), you would use the modeid of
loresKey * = 00000000H;
hiresKey * = 00008000H;
superKey * = 00008020H;
hamKey * = 00000800H;
loresLaceKey * = 00000004H;
hiresLaceKey * = 00008004H;
superLaceKey * = 00008024H;
hamLaceKey * = 00000804H;
loresDPFKey * = 00000400H;
hiresDPFKey * = 00008400H;
superDPFKey * = 00008420H;
loresLaceDPFKey * = 00000404H;
hiresLaceDPFKey * = 00008404H;
superLaceDPFKey * = 00008424H;
loresDPF2Key * = 00000440H;
hiresDPF2Key * = 00008440H;
superDPF2Key * = 00008460H;
loresLaceDPF2Key * = 00000444H;
hiresLaceDPF2Key * = 00008444H;
superLaceDPF2Key * = 00008464H;
extraHalfBriteKey * = 00000080H;
extraHalfBriteLaceKey * = 00000084H;
(* New for AA ChipSet (V39) *)
hiresHAMKey * = 000008800H;
superHAMKey * = 000008820H;
hiresEHBKey * = 000008080H;
superEHBKey * = 0000080A0H;
hiresHAMLaceKey * = 000008804H;
superHAMLaceKey * = 000008824H;
hiresEHBLaceKey * = 000008084H;
superEHBLaceKey * = 0000080A4H;
(* Added for V40 - may be useful modes for some games or animations. *)
loresSDblKey * = 000000008H;
loresHAMSDblKey * = 000000808H;
loresEHBSDblKey * = 000000088H;
hiresHAMSDblKey * = 000008808H;
(* VGA identifiers *)
vgaMonitorID * = 00031000H;
vgaExtraLoresKey * = 00031004H;
vgaLoresKey * = 00039004H;
vgaProductKey * = 00039024H;
vgaHAMKey * = 00031804H;
vgaExtraLoresLaceKey * = 00031005H;
vgaLoresLaceKey * = 00039005H;
vgaProductLaceKey * = 00039025H;
vgaHAMLaceKey * = 00031805H;
vgaExtraLoresDPFKey * = 00031404H;
vgaLoresDPFKey * = 00039404H;
vgaProductDPFKey * = 00039424H;
vgaExtraLoresLaceDPFKey * = 00031405H;
vgaLoresLaceDPFKey * = 00039405H;
vgaProductLaceDPFKey * = 00039425H;
vgaExtraLoresDPF2Key * = 00031444H;
vgaLoresDPF2Key * = 00039444H;
vgaProductDPF2Key * = 00039464H;
vgaExtraLoresLaceDPF2Key * = 00031445H;
vgaLoresLaceDPF2Key * = 00039445H;
vgaProductLaceDPF2Key * = 00039465H;
vgaExtraHalfBriteKey * = 00031084H;
vgaExtraHalfBriteLaceKey * = 00031085H;
(* New for AA ChipSet (V39) *)
vgaProductHAMKey * = 000039824H;
vgaLoresHAMKey * = 000039804H;
vgaExtraLoresHAMKey * = vgaHAMKey;
vgaProductHAMLaceKey * = 000039825H;
vgaLoresHAMLaceKey * = 000039805H;
vgaExtraLoresHAMLaceKey * = vgaHAMLaceKey;
vgaExtraLoresEHBKey * = vgaExtraHalfBriteKey;
vgaExtraLoresEHBLaceKey * = vgaExtraHalfBriteLaceKey;
vgaLoresEHBKey * = 000039084H;
vgaLoresEHBLaceKey * = 000039085H;
vgaEHBKey * = 0000390A4H;
vgaEHBLaceKey * = 0000390A5H;
(* These ModeIDs are the scandoubled equivalents of the above, with the
* exception of the DualPlayfield modes, as AA does not allow for scandoubling
* dualplayfield.
vgaExtraLoresDblKey * = 000031000H;
vgaLoresDblKey * = 000039000H;
vgaProductDblKey * = 000039020H;
vgaExtraLoresHAMDblKey * = 000031800H;
vgaLoresHAMDblKey * = 000039800H;
vgaProductHAMDblKey * = 000039820H;
vgaExtraLoresEHBDblKey * = 000031080H;
vgaLoresEHBDblKey * = 000039080H;
vgaProductEHBDblKey * = 0000390A0H;
(* a2024 identifiers *)
a2024MonitorID * = 00041000H;
a2024tenHertzKey * = 00041000H;
a2024fifteenHertzKey * = 00049000H;
(* prototype identifiers (private ) *)
protoMonitorID = 00051000H;
(* These monitors and modes were added for the V38 release. *)
euro72MonitorId * = 000061000H;
euro72ExtraLoresKey * = 000061004H;
euro72LoresKey * = 000069004H;
euro72ProductKey * = 000069024H;
euro72HAMKey * = 000061804H;
euro72ExtraLoresLaceKey * = 000061005H;
euro72LoresLaceKey * = 000069005H;
euro72ProductLaceKey * = 000069025H;
euro72HAMLaceKey * = 000061805H;
euro72ExtraLoresDPFKey * = 000061404H;
euro72LoresDPFKey * = 000069404H;
euro72ProductDPFKey * = 000069424H;
euro72ExtraLoresLaceDPFKey * = 000061405H;
euro72LoresLaceDPFKey * = 000069405H;
euro72ProductLaceDPFKey * = 000069425H;
euro72ExtraLoresDPF2Key * = 000061444H;
euro72LoresDPF2Key * = 000069444H;
euro72ProductDPF2Key * = 000069464H;
euro72ExtraLoresLaceDPF2Key * = 000061445H;
euro72LoresLaceDPF2Key * = 000069445H;
euro72ProductLaceDPF2Key * = 000069465H;
euro72ExtraHalfBriteKey * = 000061084H;
euro72ExtraHalfBriteLaceKey * = 000061085H;
(* New AA modes (V39) *)
euro72ProductHAMKey * = 000069824H;
euro72ProductHAMLaceKey * = 000069825H;
euro72LoresHAMKey * = 000069804H;
euro72LoresHAMLaceKey * = 000069805H;
euro72ExtraLoresHAMKey * = euro72HAMKey;
euro72ExtraLoresHAMLaceKey * = euro72HAMLaceKey;
euro72ExtraLoresEHBKey * = euro72ExtraHalfBriteKey;
euro72ExtraLoresEHBLaceKey * = euro72ExtraHalfBriteLaceKey;
euro72LoresEHBKey * = 000069084H;
euro72LoresEHBLaceKey * = 000069085H;
euro72EHBKey * = 0000690A4H;
euro72EHBLaceKey * = 0000690A5H;
(* These ModeIDs are the scandoubled equivalents of the above, with the
* exception of the DualPlayfield modes, as AA does not allow for scandoubling
* dualplayfield.
euro72ExtraLoresDblKey * = 000061000H;
euro72LoresDblKey * = 000069000H;
euro72ProductDblKey * = 000069020H;
euro72ExtraLoresHAMDblKey * = 000061800H;
euro72LoresHAMDblKey * = 000069800H;
euro72ProductHAMDblKey * = 000069820H;
euro72ExtraLoresEHBDblKey * = 000061080H;
euro72LoresEHBDblKey * = 000069080H;
euro72ProductEHBDblKey * = 0000690A0H;
euro36MonitorId * = 000071000H;
(* Euro36 modeids can be ORed with the default modeids a la NTSC and PAL.
* For example, Euro36 SuperHires is
super72MonitorId * = 000081000H;
(* Super72 modeids can be ORed with the default modeids a la NTSC and PAL.
* For example, Super72 SuperHiresLace (800x600) is
* The following scandoubled Modes are the exception:
super72LoresDblKey * = 000081008H;
super72HiresDblKey * = 000089008H;
super72SuperDblKey * = 000089028H;
super72LoresHAMDblKey * = 000081808H;
super72HiresHAMDblKey * = 000089808H;
super72SuperHAMDblKey * = 000089828H;
super72LoresEHBDblKey * = 000081088H;
super72HiresEHBDblKey * = 000089088H;
super72SuperEHBDblKey * = 0000890A8H;
(* These monitors and modes were added for the V39 release. *)
dblNTSCMonitorId * = 000091000H;
dblNTSCLoresKey * = 000091000H;
dblNTSCLoresffKey * = 000091004H;
dblNTSCLoresHAMKey * = 000091800H;
dblNTSCLoresHAMffKey * = 000091804H;
dblNTSCLoresEHBKey * = 000091080H;
dblNTSCLoresEHBffKey * = 000091084H;
dblNTSCLoresLaceKey * = 000091005H;
dblNTSCLoresHAMLaceKey * = 000091805H;
dblNTSCLoresEHBLaceKey * = 000091085H;
dblNTSCLoresDPFKey * = 000091400H;
dblNTSCLoresDPFFFKey * = 000091404H;
dblNTSCLoresDPFLaceKey * = 000091405H;
dblNTSCLoresDPF2Key * = 000091440H;
dblNTSCLoresDPF2FFKey * = 000091444H;
dblNTSCLoresDPF2LaceKey * = 000091445H;
dblNTSCHiresKey * = 000099000H;
dblNTSCHiresffKey * = 000099004H;
dblNTSCHiresHAMKey * = 000099800H;
dblNTSCHiresHAMffKey * = 000099804H;
dblNTSCHiresLaceKey * = 000099005H;
dblNTSCHiresHAMLaceKey * = 000099805H;
dblNTSCHiresEHBKey * = 000099080H;
dblNTSCHiresEHBffKey * = 000099084H;
dblNTSCHiresEHBLaceKey * = 000099085H;
dblNTSCHiresDPFKey * = 000099400H;
dblNTSCHiresDPFFFKey * = 000099404H;
dblNTSCHiresDPFLaceKey * = 000099405H;
dblNTSCHiresDPF2Key * = 000099440H;
dblNTSCHiresDPF2FFKey * = 000099444H;
dblNTSCHiresDPF2LaceKey * = 000099445H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresKey * = 000091200H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresHAMKey * = 000091A00H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresEHBKey * = 000091280H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresDPFKey * = 000091600H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresDPF2Key * = 000091640H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresFFKey * = 000091204H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresHAMFFKey * = 000091A04H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresEHBFFKey * = 000091284H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresDPFFFKey * = 000091604H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresDPF2FFKey * = 000091644H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresLaceKey * = 000091205H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresHAMLaceKey * = 000091A05H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresEHBLaceKey * = 000091285H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresDPFLaceKey * = 000091605H;
dblNTSCExtraLoresDPF2LaceKey * = 000091645H;
dblPALMonitorId * = 0000A1000H;
dblPALLoresKey * = 0000A1000H;
dblPALLoresFFKey * = 0000A1004H;
dblPALLoresHAMKey * = 0000A1800H;
dblPALLoresHAMFFKey * = 0000A1804H;
dblPALLoresEHBKey * = 0000A1080H;
dblPALLoresEHBFFKey * = 0000A1084H;
dblPALLoresLaceKey * = 0000A1005H;
dblPALLoresHAMLaceKey * = 0000A1805H;
dblPALLoresEHBLaceKey * = 0000A1085H;
dblPALLoresDPFKey * = 0000A1400H;
dblPALLoresDPFFFKey * = 0000A1404H;
dblPALLoresDPFLaceKey * = 0000A1405H;
dblPALLoresDPF2Key * = 0000A1440H;
dblPALLoresDPF2FFKey * = 0000A1444H;
dblPALLoresDPF2LaceKey * = 0000A1445H;
dblPALHiresKey * = 0000A9000H;
dblPALHiresFFKey * = 0000A9004H;
dblPALHiresHAMKey * = 0000A9800H;
dblPALHiresHAMFFKey * = 0000A9804H;
dblPALHiresLaceKey * = 0000A9005H;
dblPALHiresHAMLaceKey * = 0000A9805H;
dblPALHiresEHBKey * = 0000A9080H;
dblPALHiresEHBFFKey * = 0000A9084H;
dblPALHiresEHBLaceKey * = 0000A9085H;
dblPALHiresDPFKey * = 0000A9400H;
dblPALHiresDPFFFKey * = 0000A9404H;
dblPALHiresDPFLaceKey * = 0000A9405H;
dblPALHiresDPF2Key * = 0000A9440H;
dblPALHiresDPF2FFKey * = 0000A9444H;
dblPALHiresDPF2LaceKey * = 0000A9445H;
dblPALExtraLoresKey * = 0000A1200H;
dblPALExtraLoresHAMKey * = 0000A1A00H;
dblPALExtraLoresEHBKey * = 0000A1280H;
dblPALExtraLoresDPFKey * = 0000A1600H;
dblPALExtraLoresDPF2Key * = 0000A1640H;
dblPALExtraLoresFFKey * = 0000A1204H;
dblPALExtraLoresHAMFFKey * = 0000A1A04H;
dblPALExtraLoresEHBFFKey * = 0000A1284H;
dblPALExtraLoresDPFFFKey * = 0000A1604H;
dblPALExtraLoresDPF2FFKey * = 0000A1644H;
dblPALExtraLoresLaceKey * = 0000A1205H;
dblPALExtraLoresHAMLaceKey * = 0000A1A05H;
dblPALExtraLoresEHBLaceKey * = 0000A1285H;
dblPALExtraLoresDPFLaceKey * = 0000A1605H;
dblPALExtraLoresDPF2LaceKey * = 0000A1645H;
(* Use these tags for passing to BestModeID() (V39) *)
specialFlags * = LONGSET{isDualPF, isPF2pri, isHAM, isExtraHalfBrite};
bidTagDipfMustHave * = 080000001H; (* mask of the DIPF_ flags the ModeID must have *)
(* Default - NULL *)
bidTagDipfMustNotHave * = 080000002H; (* mask of the DIPF_ flags the ModeID must not have *)
(* Default - SPECIAL_FLAGS *)
bidTagViewPort * = 080000003H; (* ViewPort for which a ModeID is sought. *)
(* Default - NULL *)
bidTagNominalWidth * = 080000004H; (* \ together make the aspect ratio and *)
bidTagNominalHeight * = 080000005H; (* / override the vp->Width/Height. *)
(* Default - SourceID NominalDimensionInfo,
* or vp->DWidth/Height, or (640 * 200),
* in that preferred order.
bidTagDesiredWidth * = 080000006H; (* \ Nominal Width and Height of the *)
bidTagDesiredHeight * = 080000007H; (* / returned ModeID. *)
(* Default - same as Nominal *)
bidTagDepth * = 080000008H; (* ModeID must support this depth. *)
(* Default - vp->RasInfo->BitMap->Depth or 1 *)
bidTagMonitorID * = 080000009H; (* ModeID must use this monitor. *)
(* Default - use best monitor available *)
bidTagSourceID * = 08000000AH; (* instead of a ViewPort. *)
(* Default - VPModeID(vp) if BIDTAG_ViewPort is
* specified, else leave the DIPFMustHave and
* DIPFMustNotHave values untouched.
bidTagRedBits * = 08000000BH; (* \ *)
bidTagBlueBits * = 08000000CH; (* } Match up from the database *)
bidTagGreenBits * = 08000000DH; (* / *)
(* Default - 4 *)
bidTagGfxPrivate = 08000000EH; (* Private *)
(* VSprite flags *)
(* user-set VSprite flags: *)
sUserFlags* = {0..7}; (* mask of all user-settable VSprite-flags *)
vsprite * = 0; (* set if VSprite, clear if Bob *)
saveBack * = 1; (* set if background is to be saved/restored *)
overlay * = 2; (* set to mask image of Bob onto background *)
mustDraw * = 3; (* set if VSprite absolutely must be drawn *)
(* system-set VSprite flags: *)
backSaved * = 8; (* this Bob's background has been saved *)
bobUpdate * = 9; (* temporary flag, useless to outside world *)
gelGone * = 10; (* set if gel is completely clipped (offscreen) *)
vsOverflow* = 11; (* VSprite overflow (if MUSTDRAW set we draw!) *)
(* Bob flags *)
(* these are the user flag bits *)
bUserFlags * = {0..7};(* mask of all user-settable Bob-flags *)
saveBob * = 0; (* set to not erase Bob *)
bobIsComp * = 1; (* set to identify Bob as AnimComp *)
(* these are the system flag bits *)
bWaiting * = 8; (* set while Bob is waiting on 'after' *)
bDrawn * = 9; (* set when Bob is drawn this DrawG pass*)
bobsAway * = 10; (* set to initiate removal of Bob *)
bobNix * = 11; (* set when Bob is completely removed *)
savePreserve * = 12; (* for back-restore during double-buffer*)
outStep * = 13; (* for double-clearing if double-buffer *)
(* defines for the animation procedures *)
anfracsize * = 6;
animhalf * = 0020H;
ringTrigger * = 0001H;
(* UserStuff definitions
* the user can define these to be a single variable or a sub-structure
* if undefined by the user, the system turns these into innocuous variables
* see the manual for a thorough definition of the UserStuff definitions
VUserStuff * = INTEGER;
BUserStuff * = INTEGER;
AUserStuff * = INTEGER;
(*********************** GEL STRUCTURES ***********************************)
VSprite * = STRUCT
(* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES ------------------------------- *)
(* GEL linked list forward/backward pointers sorted by y,x value *)
nextVSprite *: VSpritePtr;
prevVSprite *: VSpritePtr;
(* GEL draw list constructed in the order the Bobs are actually drawn, then
* list is copied to clear list
* must be here in VSprite for system boundary detection
drawPath *: VSpritePtr; (* pointer of overlay drawing *)
clearPath *: VSpritePtr; (* pointer for overlay clearing *)
(* the VSprite positions are defined in (y,x) order to make sorting
* sorting easier, since (y,x) as a long integer
oldY *, oldX *: INTEGER; (* previous position *)
(* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- *)
flags *: SET; (* VSprite flags *)
(* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- *)
(* the VSprite positions are defined in (y,x) order to make sorting
* sorting easier, since (y,x) as a long integer
y * ,x * : INTEGER; (* screen position *)
height *: INTEGER;
width *: INTEGER; (* number of words per row of image data *)
depth *: INTEGER; (* number of planes of data *)
meMask *: SET; (* which types can collide with this VSprite*)
hitMask *: SET; (* which types this VSprite can collide with*)
imageData *: e.APTR; (* pointer to VSprite image *)
(* borderLine is the one-dimensional logical OR of all
* the VSprite bits, used for fast collision detection of edge
borderLine *: e.APTR; (* logical OR of all VSprite bits *)
collMask *: e.APTR; (* similar to above except this is a matrix *)
(* pointer to this VSprite's color definitions (not used by Bobs) *)
sprColors *: e.APTR;
vsBob *: BobPtr; (* points home if this VSprite is part of
a Bob *)
(* planePick flag: set bit selects a plane from image, clear bit selects
* use of shadow mask for that plane
* OnOff flag: if using shadow mask to fill plane, this bit (corresponding
* to bit in planePick) describes whether to fill with 0's or 1's
* There are two uses for these flags:
* - if this is the VSprite of a Bob, these flags describe how the Bob
* is to be drawn into memory
* - if this is a simple VSprite and the user intends on setting the
* MUSTDRAW flag of the VSprite, these flags must be set too to describe
* which color registers the user wants for the image
planePick *: SHORTSET;
planeOnOff *: SHORTSET;
vUserExt *: VUserStuff; (* user definable: see note above *)
Bob * = STRUCT
(* blitter-objects *)
(* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES --------------------------------- *)
(* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- *)
flags *: SET; (* general purpose flags (see definitions below) *)
(* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- *)
saveBuffer *: e.APTR; (* pointer to the buffer for background save *)
(* used by Bobs for "cookie-cutting" and multi-plane masking *)
imageShadow *: e.APTR;
(* pointer to BOBs for sequenced drawing of Bobs
* for correct overlaying of multiple component animations
before *: BobPtr; (* draw this Bob before Bob pointed to by before *)
after *: BobPtr; (* draw this Bob after Bob pointed to by after *)
bobVSprite *: VSpritePtr; (* this Bob's VSprite definition *)
bobComp *: AnimCompPtr; (* pointer to this Bob's AnimComp def *)
dBuffer *: DBufPacketPtr; (* pointer to this Bob's dBuf packet *)
bUserExt *: BUserStuff; (* Bob user extension *)
AnimComp * = STRUCT
(* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES --------------------------------- *)
(* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- *)
flags *: SET; (* AnimComp flags for system & user *)
(* timer defines how long to keep this component active:
* if set non-zero, timer decrements to zero then switches to nextSeq
* if set to zero, AnimComp never switches
timer *: INTEGER;
(* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- *)
(* initial value for timer when the AnimComp is activated by the system *)
timeSet *: INTEGER;
(* pointer to next and previous components of animation object *)
nextComp *: AnimCompPtr;
prevComp *: AnimCompPtr;
(* pointer to component component definition of next image in sequence *)
nextSeq *: AnimCompPtr;
prevSeq *: AnimCompPtr;
animCRoutine *: e.PROC; (* address of special animation procedure *)
yTrans *: INTEGER; (* initial y translation (if this is a component) *)
xTrans *: INTEGER; (* initial x translation (if this is a component) *)
headOb *: AnimObPtr;
animBob *: BobPtr;
AnimOb * = STRUCT
(* --------------------- SYSTEM VARIABLES --------------------------------- *)
nextOb *, prevOb *: AnimObPtr;
(* number of calls to Animate this AnimOb has endured *)
clock *: LONGINT;
anOldY *, anOldX *: INTEGER; (* old y,x coordinates *)
(* --------------------- COMMON VARIABLES --------------------------------- *)
anY *, anX *: INTEGER; (* y,x coordinates of the AnimOb *)
(* --------------------- USER VARIABLES ----------------------------------- *)
yVel *, xVel * : INTEGER; (* velocities of this object *)
yAccel *, xAccel *: INTEGER; (* accelerations of this object *)
ringYTrans *, ringXTrans *: INTEGER; (* ring translation values *)
animoRoutine *: e.PROC; (* address of special animation
procedure *)
headComp *: AnimCompPtr; (* pointer to first component *)
aUserExt *: AUserStuff; (* AnimOb user extension *)
(* dBufPacket defines the values needed to be saved across buffer to buffer
* when in double-buffer mode
DBufPacket * = STRUCT
bufY *, bufX *: INTEGER; (* save the other buffers screen coordinates *)
bufPath *: VSpritePtr; (* carry the draw path over the gap *)
(* these pointers must be filled in by the user *)
(* pointer to other buffer's background save buffer *)
bufBuffer *: e.APTR;
(* ************************************************************************ *)
b2Norm * = 0;
b2Swap * = 1;
b2Bobber * = 2;
(* ************************************************************************ *)
(* a structure to contain the 16 collision procedure addresses *)
CollTable * = STRUCT
collPtrs *: ARRAY 16 OF e.APTR;
(* structure used by AddTOFTask *)
Isrvstr * = STRUCT (node *: e.Node)
iptr *: IsrvstrPtr; (* passed to srvr by os *)
code *: e.PROC;
ccode *: e.PROC;
carg *: LONGINT;
(* Layers *)
layerSimple * = 0;
layerSmart * = 1;
layerSuper * = 2;
layerUpdating * = 4;
layerBackdrop * = 6;
layerRefresh * = 7;
layerIRefresh * = 9;
layerIRefresh2 * = 10;
layerClipRectsLost * = 8; (* during BeginUpdate *)
(* or during layerop *)
(* this happens if out of memory *)
lmnRegion * = -1; (* removed in V39 includes *)
LayerInfo * = STRUCT
layer * : LayerPtr;
lp : LayerPtr; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
obs * : ClipRectPtr;
freeClipRects : ClipRectPtr; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
privateReserve1 : LONGINT; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
privateReserve2 : LONGINT; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
lock : e.SignalSemaphore; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
head : e.MinList; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
privateReserve3 : INTEGER; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
privateReserve4 : e.APTR; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
flags * : SET;
count : SHORTINT; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
lockLayersCount : SHORTINT; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
privateReserve5 : INTEGER; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
blankHook : e.APTR; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
extra : e.APTR; (* !!PRIVATE!! *)
newLayerInfoCalled * = 1;
alertLayersNoMem * = 83010000H; (* removed in V39 includes *)
* LAYERS_NOBACKFILL is the value needed to get no backfill hook
* LAYERS_BACKFILL is the value needed to get the default backfill hook
noBackFill * = SYSTEM.VAL(u.HookPtr,1);
backFill * = SYSTEM.VAL(u.HookPtr,0);
AreaInfo * = STRUCT
vctrTbl *: e.APTR; (* ptr to start of vector table *)
vctrPtr *: e.APTR; (* ptr to current vertex *)
flagTbl *: e.APTR; (* ptr to start of vector flag table *)
flagPtr *: e.APTR; (* ptrs to areafill flags *)
count *: INTEGER; (* number of vertices in list *)
maxCount *: INTEGER; (* AreaMove/Draw will not allow Count>MaxCount*)
firstX *, firstY *: INTEGER; (* first point for this polygon *)
TmpRas * = STRUCT
rasPtr *: e.APTR;
size *: LONGINT;
(* unoptimized for 32bit alignment of pointers *)
GelsInfo * = STRUCT
sprRsrvd *: SHORTINT; (* flag of which sprites to reserve from
vsprite system *)
flags *: e.BYTE; (* system use only *)
gelHead *,
gelTail *: VSpritePtr; (* dummy vSprites for list management*)
(* pointer to array of 8 WORDS for sprite available lines *)
nextLine *: e.APTR;
(* pointer to array of 8 pointers for color-last-assigned to vSprites *)
lastColor *: e.APTR;
collHandler *: CollTablePtr; (* addresses of collision routines *)
leftmost *,
rightmost *,
topmost *,
bottommost *: INTEGER;
firstBlissObj *, lastBlissObj *: e.APTR; (* system use only *)
RastPort * = STRUCT
layer *: LayerPtr;
bitMap *: BitMapPtr;
areaPtrn *: e.APTR; (* ptr to areafill pattern *)
tmpRas *: TmpRasPtr;
areaInfo *: AreaInfoPtr;
gelsInfo *: GelsInfoPtr;
mask *: SHORTSET; (* write mask for this raster *)
fgPen *: SHORTINT; (* foreground pen for this raster *)
bgPen *: SHORTINT; (* background pen *)
aOlPen *: SHORTINT; (* areafill outline pen *)
drawMode *: SHORTSET; (* drawing mode for fill, lines, and text *)
areaPtSz *: SHORTINT; (* 2^n words for areafill pattern *)
linPatCnt *: SHORTINT; (* current line drawing pattern preshift *)
dummy *: e.BYTE;
flags *: SET; (* miscellaneous control bits *)
linePtrn *: INTEGER; (* 16 bits for textured lines *)
x * , y *: INTEGER; (* current pen position *)
minterms *: ARRAY 8 OF e.BYTE;
penWidth *: INTEGER;
penHeight *: INTEGER;
font *: TextFontPtr; (* current font address *)
algoStyle *: SHORTSET; (* the algorithmically generated style *)
txFlags *: SHORTSET; (* text specific flags *)
txHeight *: INTEGER; (* text height *)
txWidth *: INTEGER; (* text nominal width *)
txBaseline *: INTEGER; (* text baseline *)
txSpacing *: INTEGER; (* text spacing (per character) *)
user *: e.APTR;
longreserved *: ARRAY 2 OF LONGINT;
wordreserved *: ARRAY 7 OF INTEGER; (* used to be a node *)
reserved *: ARRAY 8 OF e.BYTE; (* for future use *)
(* drawing modes *)
jam1 * = SHORTSET{}; (* jam 1 color into raster *)
jam2 * = SHORTSET{0}; (* jam 2 colors into raster *)
complement * = 1; (* XOR bits into raster *)
inversvid * = 2; (* inverse video for drawing modes *)
(* these are the flag bits for RastPort flags *)
firstDot * = 0; (* draw the first dot of this line ? *)
oneDot * = 1; (* use one dot mode for drawing lines *)
dBuffer * = 2; (* flag set when RastPorts are double-buffered *)
(* only used for bobs *)
areaOutline * = 3; (* used by areafiller *)
noCrossFill * = 5; (* areafills have no crossovers *)
(* there is only one style of clipping: raster clipping *)
(* this preserves the continuity of jaggies regardless of clip window *)
(* When drawing into a RastPort, if the ptr to ClipRect is nil then there *)
(* is no clipping done, this is dangerous but useful for speed *)
RegionRectangle * = STRUCT
next *, prev *: RegionRectanglePtr;
bounds *: Rectangle;
Region * = STRUCT (bounds *: Rectangle)
regionRectangle *: RegionRectanglePtr;
BitScaleArgs * = STRUCT
srcX *, srcY *: INTEGER; (* source origin *)
srcWidth *, srcHeight *: INTEGER; (* source size *)
xSrcFactor *, ySrcFactor *: INTEGER; (* scale factor denominators *)
destX *, destY *: INTEGER; (* destination origin *)
destWidth *, destHeight *: INTEGER; (* destination size result *)
xDestFactor *, yDestFactor *: INTEGER; (* scale factor numerators *)
srcBitMap *: BitMapPtr; (* source BitMap *)
destBitMap *: BitMapPtr; (* destination BitMap *)
flags *: LONGINT; (* reserved. Must be zero! *)
xdda *, ydda *: INTEGER; (* reserved *)
reserved1 *: LONGINT;
reserved2 *: LONGINT;
spriteAttached * = 80H;
SimpleSprite * = STRUCT
posctldata *: e.APTR;
height *: INTEGER;
x *, y * : INTEGER; (* current position *)
num *: INTEGER;
ExtSprite * = STRUCT (simpleSprite *: SimpleSprite)
(* conventional simple sprite structure *)
wordwidth *: INTEGER; (* graphics use only, subject to change *)
flags *: SET; (* graphics use only, subject to change *)
(* tags for AllocSpriteData() *)
spriteaWidth * = 081000000H;
spriteaXreplication * = 081000002H;
spriteaYreplication * = 081000004H;
spriteaOutputheight * = 081000006H;
spriteaAttached * = 081000008H;
spriteaOlddataformat * = 08100000AH; (* MUST pass in outputheight if using this tag *)
(* tags for GetExtSprite() *)
gstagSpriteNum * = 082000020H;
gstagAttached * = 082000022H;
gstagSoftsprite * = 082000024H;
(* tags valid for either GetExtSprite or ChangeExtSprite *)
gstagScandoubled * = 083000000H; (* request "NTSC-Like" height if possible. *)
(*------ Font Styles ------------------------------------------------*)
normal * = SHORTSET{}; (* normal text (no style bits set) *)
normalFont * = SHORTSET{}; (* prehistoric synonym *)
underlined * = 0; (* underlined (under baseline) *)
bold * = 1; (* bold face text (ORed w/ shifted) *)
italic * = 2; (* italic (slanted 1:2 right) *)
extended * = 3; (* extended face (wider than normal) *)
colorFont * = 6; (* this uses ColorTextFont structure *)
tagged * = 7; (* the TextAttr is really an TTextAttr, *)
(*------ Font Flags -------------------------------------------------*)
romFont * = 0; (* font is in rom *)
diskFont * = 1; (* font is from diskfont.library *)
revPath * = 2; (* designed path is reversed (e.g. left) *)
tallDot * = 3; (* designed for hires non-interlaced *)
wideDot * = 4; (* designed for lores interlaced *)
proportional * = 5; (* character sizes can vary from nominal *)
designed * = 6; (* size explicitly designed, not constructed *)
(* note: if you do not set this bit in your *)
(* textattr, then a font may be constructed *)
(* for you by scaling an existing rom or disk *)
(* font (under V36 and above). *)
(* bit 7 is always clear for fonts on the graphics font list *)
removed * = 7; (* the font has been removed *)
(****** TextAttr node, matches text attributes in RastPort **********)
TextAttr * = STRUCT
name *: e.LSTRPTR; (* name of the font *)
ySize *: INTEGER; (* height of the font *)
style *: SHORTSET; (* intrinsic font style *)
flags *: SHORTSET; (* font preferences and flags *)
TTextAttr * = STRUCT
name *: e.LSTRPTR; (* name of the font *)
ySize *: INTEGER; (* height of the font *)
style *: SHORTSET; (* intrinsic font style *)
flags *: SHORTSET; (* font preferences and flags *)
tags *: u.TagListPtr; (* extended attributes *)
(****** Text Tags ***************************************************)
deviceDPI * = 1+u.user; (* Tag value is Point union: *)
(* Hi word XDPI, Lo word YDPI *)
maxFontMatchweight * = 32767; (* perfect match from WeighTAMatch *)
(****** TextFonts node **********************************************)
TextFont * = STRUCT (message *: e.Message)
(* reply message for font removal *)
(* font name in LN \ used in this *)
ySize *: INTEGER; (* font height | order to best *)
style *: SHORTSET;(* font style | match a font *)
flags *: SHORTSET;(* preferences and flags / request. *)
xSize *: INTEGER; (* nominal font width *)
baseline *: INTEGER; (* distance from the top of char to baseline *)
boldSmear *: INTEGER; (* smear to affect a bold enhancement *)
accessors *: INTEGER; (* access count *)
loChar *: CHAR; (* the first character described here *)
hiChar *: CHAR; (* the last character described here *)
charData *: e.APTR; (* the bit character data *)
modulo *: INTEGER; (* the row modulo for the strike font data *)
charLoc *: e.APTR; (* ptr to location data for the strike font *)
(* 2 words: bit offset then size *)
charSpace *: e.APTR; (* ptr to words of proportional spacing data *)
charKern *: e.APTR; (* ptr to words of kerning data *)
(*----- TextFontExtension.flags0 (partial definition) ----------------------------*)
noRemFont * = 0; (* disallow RemFont for this font *)
TextFontExtension * = STRUCT (* this structure is read-only *)
matchWord -: INTEGER; (* a magic cookie for the extension *)
flags0 -: SHORTSET; (* (system private flags) *)
flags1 : SHORTSET; (* (system private flags) *)
backPtr -: TextFontPtr; (* validation of compilation *)
origReplyPort -: e.MsgPortPtr; (* original value in tf_Extension *)
tags -: u.TagListPtr; (* Text Tags for the font *)
oFontPatchS : e.APTR; (* (system private use) *)
oFontPatchK : e.APTR; (* (system private use) *)
(* this space is reserved for future expansion *)
(****** ColorTextFont node ******************************************)
(*----- ColorTextFont.flags ----------------------------------------*)
ctColorMask * = {0..3}; (* mask to get to following color styles *)
ctColorFont * = 0; (* color map contains designer's colors *)
ctGreyFont * = 1; (* color map describes even-stepped *)
(* brightnesses from low to high *)
ctAntiAlias * = 2; (* zero background thru fully saturated char *)
ctMapColor * = 0; (* map ctf_FgColor to the rp_FgPen if it's *)
(* is a valid color within ctf_Low..ctf_High *)
(*----- ColorFontColors --------------------------------------------*)
ColorFontColors * = STRUCT
reserved *: INTEGER; (* *must* be zero *)
count *: INTEGER; (* number of entries in cfc_ColorTable *)
colorTable *: e.APTR; (* 4 bit per component color map packed xRGB *)
(*----- ColorTextFont ----------------------------------------------*)
ColorTextFont * = STRUCT (tf *: TextFont)
flags *: SET; (* extended flags *)
depth *: SHORTINT; (* number of bit planes *)
fgColor *: SHORTINT; (* color that is remapped to FgPen *)
low *: SHORTINT; (* lowest color represented here *)
high *: SHORTINT; (* highest color represented here *)
planePick *: SHORTSET; (* PlanePick ala Images *)
planeOnOff *: SHORTSET; (* PlaneOnOff ala Images *)
colorFontColors *: ColorFontColorsPtr; (* colors for font *)
charData *: ARRAY 8 OF e.APTR; (*pointers to bit planes ala tf_CharData *)
(****** TextExtent node *********************************************)
Textextent * = STRUCT
width *: INTEGER; (* same as TextLength *)
height *: INTEGER; (* same as tf_YSize *)
extent *: Rectangle; (* relative to CP *)
vtagEndCM * = 00000000H;
vtagChromaKeyClr * = 80000000H;
vtagChromaKeySet * = 80000001H;
vtagBitPlaneKeyClr * = 80000002H;
vtagBitPlaneKeySet * = 80000003H;
vtagBorderBlankClr * = 80000004H;
vtagBorderBlankSet * = 80000005H;
vtagBorderNoTransClr * = 80000006H;
vtagBorderNoTransSet * = 80000007H;
vtagChromaPenClr * = 80000008H;
vtagChromaPenSet * = 80000009H;
vtagChromaPlaneSet * = 8000000AH;
vtagAttachCMSet * = 8000000BH;
vtagNextBufCM * = 8000000CH;
vtagBatchCMClr * = 8000000DH;
vtagBatchCMSet * = 8000000EH;
vtagNormalDispGet * = 8000000FH;
vtagNormalDisplSet * = 80000010H;
vtagCoerceDispGet * = 80000011H;
vtagCoerceDispSet * = 80000012H;
vtagViewPortExtraGet * = 80000013H;
vtagViewPortExtraSet * = 80000014H;
vtagChromaKeyGet * = 80000015H;
vtagBitPlaneKeyGet * = 80000016H;
vtagBorderBlankGet * = 80000017H;
vtagBorderNoTransGet * = 80000018H;
vtagChromaPenGet * = 80000019H;
vtagChromaPlaneGet * = 8000001AH;
vtagAttachCMGet * = 8000001BH;
vtagBatchCMGet * = 8000001CH;
vtagBatchItemsGet * = 8000001DH;
vtagBatchItemsSet * = 8000001EH;
vtagBatchItemsAdd * = 8000001FH;
vtagVPModeIDGet * = 80000020H;
vtagVPMoedIDSet * = 80000021H;
vtagVPModeIDClr * = 80000022H;
vtagUserClipGet * = 80000023H;
vtagUserClipSet * = 80000024H;
vtagUserClipClr * = 80000025H;
(* the following tags are V39 specific. They will be ignored (returing error -3) by
earlier versions *)
vtagPf1BaseGet * = 080000026H;
vtagPf2BaseGet * = 080000027H;
vtagSpEvenBaseGet * = 080000028H;
vtagSpOddBaseGet * = 080000029H;
vtagPf1BaseSet * = 08000002AH;
vtagPf2BaseSet * = 08000002BH;
vtagSpEvenBaseSet * = 08000002CH;
vtagSpOddBaseSet * = 08000002DH;
vtagBorderSpriteGet * = 08000002EH;
vtagBorderSpriteSet * = 08000002FH;
vtagBorderSpriteClr * = 080000030H;
vtagSpriteResnSet * = 080000031H;
vtagSpriteResnGet * = 080000032H;
vtagPf1ToSpritePriSet * = 080000033H;
vtagPf1ToSpritePriGet * = 080000034H;
vtagPf2ToSpritePriSet * = 080000035H;
vtagPf2ToSpritePriGet * = 080000036H;
vtagImmediate * = 080000037H;
vtagFullPaletteSet * = 080000038H;
vtagFullPaletteGet * = 080000039H;
vtagFullPaletteClr * = 08000003AH;
vtagDefSpriteResnSet * = 08000003BH;
vtagDefSpriteResnGet * = 08000003CH;
(* all the following tags follow the new, rational standard for videocontrol tags:
* VC_xxx,state set the state of attribute 'xxx' to value 'state'
* VC_xxx_QUERY,&var get the state of attribute 'xxx' and store it into the longword
* pointed to by &var.
* The following are new for V40:
vcIntermediateCLUpdate * = 080000080H;
(* default=true. When set graphics will update the intermediate copper
* lists on color changes, etc. When false, it won't, and will be faster.
vcIntermediateCLUpdateQuery * = 080000081H;
vcNoColorPaletteLoad * = 080000082H;
(* default = false. When set, graphics will only load color 0
* for this ViewPort, and so the ViewPort's colors will come
* from the previous ViewPort's.
* NB - Using this tag and VTAG_FULLPALETTE_SET together is undefined.
vcNoColorPaletteLoadQuery * = 080000083H;
vcDualPFDisable * = 080000084H;
(* default = false. When this flag is set, the dual-pf bit
in Dual-Playfield screens will be turned off. Even bitplanes
will still come from the first BitMap and odd bitplanes
from the second BitMap, and both R[xy]Offsets will be
considered. This can be used (with appropriate palette
selection) for cross-fades between differently scrolling
When this flag is turned on, colors will be loaded for
the viewport as if it were a single viewport of depth
depth1+depth2 *)
vcDualPFDisableQuery * = 080000085H;
ViewPort * = STRUCT
next *: ViewPortPtr;
colorMap *: ColorMapPtr; (* table of colors for this viewport *)
(* if this is nil, MakeVPort assumes default values *)
dspIns *: CopListDummyPtr; (* user by MakeVPort() *)
sprIns *: CopListDummyPtr; (* used by sprite stuff *)
clrIns *: CopListDummyPtr; (* used by sprite stuff *)
uCopIns *: UCopListPtr; (* User copper list *)
dWidth *, dHeight *: INTEGER;
dxOffset *, dyOffset *: INTEGER;
modes *: SET;
spritePriorities *: SHORTINT;
extendedModes *: SHORTINT;
rasInfo *: RasInfoPtr;
View * = STRUCT
viewPort *: ViewPortPtr;
lofCprList *: CprlistPtr; (* used for interlaced and noninterlaced *)
shfCprList *: CprlistPtr; (* only used during interlace *)
dyOffset *, dxOffset *: INTEGER; (* for complete View positioning *)
(* offsets are +- adjustments to standard #s *)
modes *: SET; (* such as INTERLACE, GENLOC *)
(* these structures are obtained via GfxNew *)
(* and disposed by GfxFree *)
ViewExtra * = STRUCT (n *: ExtendedNode)
view *: ViewPtr; (* backwards link *)
monitor *: MonitorSpecPtr; (* monitors for this view *)
topLine *: INTEGER;
(* this structure is obtained via GfxNew *)
(* and disposed by GfxFree *)
ViewPortExtra * = STRUCT (n *: ExtendedNode)
viewPort *: ViewPortPtr; (* backwards link *)
displayClip *: Rectangle; (* hmakeVPort display clipping information *)
(* These are added for V39 *)
vecTable : e.APTR; (* Private *)
driverData *: ARRAY 2 OF e.APTR;
flags *: SET;
origin *: ARRAY 2 OF Point; (* First visible point relative to the DClip.
* One for each possible playfield.
cop1ptr : LONGINT; (* private *)
cop2ptr : LONGINT; (* private *)
(* defines used for Modes in IVPargs *)
genLockVideo * = 1;
lace * = 2;
doubleScan * = 3;
superHires * = 5;
pfba * = 6;
extraHalfbrite * = 7;
genlockAudio * = 8;
dualpf * = 10;
ham * = 11;
extendedMode * = 12;
vpHide * = 13;
sprites * = 14;
hires * = 15;
(* ViewPort *)
(* All these VPXF_ flags are private *)
vpxbFreeMe = 0; (* private *)
vpxbLast = 1;
vpxbStraddles256 = 4;
vpxbStraddles512 = 5;
extendVStruct * = 12; (* unused bit in Modes field of View *)
a2024 * = 6; (* VP?_ fields internal only *)
tenHz * = 4; (* may be wrong [hG] *)
(* old definition from 2.04 includes [hG]
a2024 * = 6;
agnus * = 5;
tenHz * = 5;
RasInfo * = STRUCT (* used by callers to and InitDspC() *)
next *: RasInfoPtr; (* used for dualpf *)
bitMap *: BitMapPtr;
rxOffset *, ryOffset *: INTEGER; (* scroll offsets in this BitMap *)
ColorMap * = STRUCT
flags *: SHORTSET;
type *: SHORTINT;
count *: INTEGER;
colorTable *: e.APTR;
vpe *: ViewPortExtraPtr;
lowColorBits *: e.APTR; (* was: transparencyBits *)
transparencyPlane *: SHORTINT;
spriteResolution *: e.UBYTE;
spriteResDefault *: e.UBYTE; (* what resolution you get when
* you have set SPRITERESN_DEFAULT *)
auxFlags *: SHORTSET;
vp *: ViewPortPtr;
normalDisplayInfo *: DisplayInfoPtr;
coerceDisplayInfo *: DisplayInfoPtr;
cmBatchItems *: u.TagListPtr;
vpModeID *: LONGINT;
palExtra *: PaletteExtraPtr;
spriteBaseEven *: INTEGER;
spriteBaseOdd *: INTEGER;
bp0base *: INTEGER;
bp1base *: INTEGER;
(* if Type == 0 then ColorMap is V1.2/V1.3 compatible *)
(* if Type != 0 then ColorMap is V38 compatible *)
(* the system will never create other than V39 type colormaps when running V39 *)
colorMapTypeV12 * = 0;
colorMapTypeV14 * = 1;
colorMapTypeV36 * = colorMapTypeV14; (* use this definition *)
colormapTypeV39 * = 2;
(* Flags variable *)
colorMapTransparency * = 0;
colorPlaneTransparency * = 1;
borderBlanking * = 2;
boderNoTransparency * = 3;
videoControlBatch * = 4;
userCopperClip * = 5;
borderSprites * = 6;
resnEcs * = 0;
(* ^140ns, except in 35ns viewport, where it is 70ns. *)
resn140ns * = 1;
resn70ns * = 2;
resn35ns * = 3;
resnDefault * = -1;
(* AuxFlags : *)
fullPalette * = 0;
noIntermedUpdate * = 1;
noColorLoad * = 2;
dualPFDisable * = 3;
PaletteExtra * = STRUCT (* structure may be extended so watch out! *)
semaphore *: e.SignalSemaphore;(* shared semaphore for arbitration *)
firstFree : INTEGER; (* *private* *)
nFree *: INTEGER; (* number of free colors *)
firstShared : INTEGER; (* *private* *)
nShared : INTEGER; (* *private* *)
refCnt : e.APTR; (* *private* *)
allocList : e.APTR; (* *private* *)
viewPort *: ViewPortPtr; (* back pointer to viewport *)
sharableColors *: INTEGER; (* the number of sharable colors. *)
(* flags values for ObtainPen *)
penbExclusive * = 0;
penbNoSetcolor * = 1;
(* precision values for ObtainBestPen : *)
precisionExact * = -1;
precisionImage * = 0;
precisionIcon * = 16;
precisionGui * = 32;
(* tags for ObtainBestPen: *)
obpPrecision * = 084000000H;
obpFailIfBad * = 084000001H;
(* From V39, MakeVPort() will return an error if there is not enough memory,
* or the requested mode cannot be opened with the requested depth with the
* given bitmap (for higher bandwidth alignments).
mvpOk * = 0; (* you want to see this one *)
mvpNoMem * = 1; (* insufficient memory for intermediate workspace *)
mvpNoVPE * = 2; (* ViewPort does not have a ViewPortExtra, and
* insufficient memory to allocate a temporary one.
mvpNoDspIns * = 3; (* insufficient memory for intermidiate copper
* instructions.
mvpNoDisplay * = 4; (* BitMap data is misaligned for this viewport's
* mode and depth - see AllocBitMap().
mvpOffBottom = 5; (* PRIVATE - you will never see this. *)
(* From V39, MrgCop() will return an error if there is not enough memory,
* or for some reason MrgCop() did not need to make any copper lists.
mcopOk * = 0; (* you want to see this one *)
mcopNoMem * = 1; (* insufficient memory to allocate the system
* copper lists.
mcopNop * = 2; (* MrgCop() did not merge any copper lists
* (eg, no ViewPorts in the list, or all marked as
* hidden).
DBufInfo * = STRUCT
link1 *: e.APTR;
count1 *: LONGINT;
safeMessage *: e.Message; (* replied to when safe to write to old bitmap *)
userData1 *: e.APTR; (* first user data *)
link2 *: e.APTR;
count2 *: LONGINT;
dispMessage *: e.Message; (* replied to when new bitmap has been displayed at least
once *)
userData2 *: e.APTR; (* second user data *)
matchLong *: LONGINT;
copPtr1 *: e.APTR;
copPtr2 *: e.APTR;
copPtr3 *: e.APTR;
beamPos1 *: INTEGER;
beamPos2 *: INTEGER;
GfxBase * = STRUCT (libNode *: e.Library)
actiView *: ViewPtr;
copinit *: CopinitPtr; (* ptr to copper start up list *)
cia *: e.APTR; (* for 8520 resource use *)
blitter *: e.APTR; (* for future blitter resource use *)
loFlist *: e.APTR;
shFlist *: e.APTR;
blthd *, blttl *: h.BltnodePtr;
bsblthd *,bsblttl *: h.BltnodePtr;
vbsrv *, timsrv *, bltsrv *: e.Interrupt;
textFonts *: e.List;
defaultFont *: TextFontPtr;
modes *: SET; (* copy of current first bplcon0 *)
vBlank *: e.BYTE;
debug *: e.BYTE;
beamSync *: INTEGER;
bplcon0 *: SET; (* it is ored into each bplcon0 for display *)
spriteReserved *: e.BYTE;
bytereserved *: e.BYTE;
flags *: SET;
blitLock *: INTEGER;
blitNest *: INTEGER;
blitWaitQ *: e.List;
blitOwner *: e.TaskPtr;
waitQ *: e.List;
displayFlags *: SET; (* NTSC PAL GENLOC etc*)
(* flags initialized at power on *)
simpleSprites *: e.APTR;
maxDisplayRow *: INTEGER; (* hardware stuff, do not use *)
maxDisplayColumn *: INTEGER; (* hardware stuff, do not use *)
normalDisplayRows *: INTEGER;
normalDisplayColumns *: INTEGER;
(* the following are for standard non interlace, 1/2 wb width *)
normalDPMX *: INTEGER; (* Dots per meter on display *)
normalDPMY *: INTEGER; (* Dots per meter on display *)
lastChanceMemory *: e.SignalSemaphorePtr;
lcMptr *: e.APTR;
microsPerLine *: INTEGER; (* 256 time usec/line *)
minDisplayColumn *: INTEGER;
chipRevBits0 *: SHORTSET;
memType *: e.BYTE;
reserved *: ARRAY 4 OF e.BYTE;
monitorID *: INTEGER;
hedley *: ARRAY 8 OF LONGINT;
hedleySprites *: ARRAY 8 OF LONGINT; (* sprite ptrs for intuition mouse *)
hedleySprites1 *: ARRAY 8 OF LONGINT; (* sprite ptrs for intuition mouse *)
hedleyCount *: INTEGER;
hedleyFlags *: SET;
hedleyTmp *: INTEGER;
hashTable *: e.APTR;
currentTotRows *: INTEGER;
currentTotCclks *: INTEGER;
hedleyHint *: e.BYTE;
hedleyHint2 *: e.BYTE;
nreserved *: ARRAY 4 OF LONGINT;
a2024SyncRaster *: e.APTR;
controlDeltaPAL *: INTEGER;
controlDeltaNTSC *: INTEGER;
currentMonitor *: MonitorSpecPtr;
monitorList *: e.List;
defaultMonitor *: MonitorSpecPtr;
monitorListSemaphore *: e.SignalSemaphorePtr;
displayInfoDataBase *: e.APTR;
topLine *: INTEGER;
actiViewCprSemaphore *: e.SignalSemaphorePtr;
utilBase *: e.LibraryPtr; (* for hook and tag utilities *)
execBase *: e.LibraryPtr; (* to link with rom.lib *)
bwshifts *: e.APTR; (* to UBYTE; *)
strtFetchMasks *: e.APTR; (* to UWORD *)
stopFetchMasks *: e.APTR; (* to UWORD *)
overrun *: e.APTR; (* to UWORD *)
realStops *: e.APTR; (* to WORD *)
spriteWidth *: INTEGER; (* current width (in words) of sprites *)
spriteFMode *: INTEGER; (* current sprite fmode bits *)
softSprites *: e.BYTE; (* bit mask of size change knowledgeable sprites *)
arraywidth *: e.BYTE;
defaultSpriteWidth *: INTEGER; (* what width intuition wants *)
sprMoveDisable *: e.BYTE;
wantChips *: e.UBYTE;
boardMemType *: e.UBYTE;
bugs *: e.UBYTE;
layersBase *: e.APTR; (* to LONGINT *)
colorMask *: LONGINT;
iVector *: e.APTR;
iData *: e.APTR;
specialCounter *: LONGINT; (* special for double buffering *)
dbList *: e.APTR;
monitorFlags *: INTEGER;
scanDoubledSprites *: e.UBYTE;
bp3Bits *: e.UBYTE;
monitorVBlank *: AnalogSignalInterval;
naturalMonitor *: MonitorSpecPtr;
progData *: e.APTR;
extSprites *: e.UBYTE;
pad3 *: SHORTINT;
gfxFlags *: SET;
vbCounter *: LONGINT;
hashTableSemaphore *: e.SignalSemaphorePtr;
(* chunkyToPlanarPtr = hwEmul[0] Macro!!*)
(* Values for GfxBase->DisplayFlags *)
ntsc * = 0;
genloc * = 1;
pal * = 2;
todaSafe * = 3;
reallyPal * = 16; (* what is actual crystal frequency
(as opposed to what bootmenu set the agnus to)?
(V39) *)
lpenSwapFrames * = 32; (* LightPen software could set this bit if the
* "lpen-with-interlace" fix put in for V39
* does not work. This is true of a number of
* Agnus chips.
* (V40).
blitMsgFault * = 4;
(* bits defs for ChipRevBits *)
bigBlits * = 0;
hrAgnus * = 0;
hrDenise * = 1;
aaAlice * = 2;
aaLisa * = 3;
aaMLisa * = 4; (* internal use only. *)
(* Pass ONE of these to SetChipRev() *)
chipRevA * = LONGSET{hrAgnus};
chipRevECS * = LONGSET{hrAgnus, hrDenise};
chipRevAA * = LONGSET{aaAlice, aaLisa} + chipRevECS;
chipRevBest * = LONGSET{0..31};
(* memory type *)
bus16 * = 0;
nmlCAS * = 0;
bus32 * = 1;
dblCAS * = 2;
bandwidth1x * = LONGSET{bus16, nmlCAS};
bandwidth2xNml * = LONGSET{bus32};
bandwidth2xDbl * = LONGSET{dblCAS};
bandwidth4x * = LONGSET{bus32, dblCAS};
(* GfxFlags (private) *)
newDatabase = 1;
graphicsName * = "graphics.library";
(*------- coerce -------------*)
(* These flags are passed (in combination) to CoerceMode() to determine the
* type of coercion required.
(* Ensure that the mode coerced to can display just as many colors as the
* ViewPort being coerced.
preserveColors * = 0;
(* Ensure that the mode coerced to is not interlaced. *)
avoidFlicker * = 1;
(* Coercion should ignore monitor compatibility issues. *)
ignoreMCompat * = 2;
bidTagCoerce = 1; (* Private *)
(*------- rpattr -------------*)
rpFont * = 080000000H; (* get/set font *)
rpAPen * = 080000002H; (* get/set apen *)
rpBPen * = 080000003H; (* get/set bpen *)
rpDrMd * = 080000004H; (* get/set draw mode *)
rpOutlinePen * = 080000005H; (* get/set outline pen *)
rpWriteMask * = 080000006H; (* get/set WriteMask *)
rpMaxPen * = 080000007H; (* get/set maxpen *)
rpDrawBounds * = 080000008H; (* get only rastport draw bounds. pass &rect *)
gfx *, base *: GfxBasePtr; (* synonyms *)
(*------ BitMap primitives ------*)
PROCEDURE BltBitMap *{gfx,- 30}(srcBitMap{8} : BitMapPtr;
xSrc{0} : INTEGER;
ySrc{1} : INTEGER;
destBitMap{9} : BitMapPtr;
xDest{2} : INTEGER;
yDest{3} : INTEGER;
xSize{4} : INTEGER;
ySize{5} : INTEGER;
minterm{6} : e.BYTE;
mask{7} : SHORTSET;
PROCEDURE BltTemplate *{gfx,- 36}(source{8} : PLANEPTR;
xSrc{0} : INTEGER;
srcMod{1} : INTEGER;
destRP{9} : RastPortPtr;
xDest{2} : INTEGER;
yDest{3} : INTEGER;
xSize{4} : INTEGER;
ySize{5} : INTEGER);
(*------ Text routines ------*)
PROCEDURE ClearEOL *{gfx,- 42}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE ClearScreen *{gfx,- 48}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE TextLength *{gfx,- 54}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
string{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
count{0} : LONGINT): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE Text *{gfx,- 60}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
string{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
count{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE SetFont *{gfx,- 66}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
textFont{8} : TextFontPtr);
PROCEDURE OpenFont *{gfx,- 72}(textAttr{8} : TextAttr): TextFontPtr;
PROCEDURE CloseFont *{gfx,- 78}(textFont{9} : TextFontPtr);
PROCEDURE AskSoftStyle *{gfx,- 84}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr): SHORTSET;
PROCEDURE SetSoftStyle *{gfx,- 90}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
style{0} : SHORTSET;
enable{1} : SHORTSET): SHORTSET;
(*------ Gels routines ------*)
PROCEDURE AddBob *{gfx,- 96}(bob{8} : BobPtr;
rp{9} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE AddVSprite *{gfx,-102}(vSprite{8} : VSpritePtr;
rp{9} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE DoCollision *{gfx,-108}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE DrawGList *{gfx,-114}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
vp{8} : ViewPortPtr);
PROCEDURE InitGels *{gfx,-120}(head{8} : VSpritePtr;
tail{9} : VSpritePtr;
gelsInfo{10} : GelsInfoPtr);
PROCEDURE InitMasks *{gfx,-126}(vSprite{8} : VSpritePtr);
PROCEDURE RemIBob *{gfx,-132}(bob{8} : BobPtr;
rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
vp{10} : ViewPortPtr);
PROCEDURE RemVSprite *{gfx,-138}(vSprite{8} : VSpritePtr);
PROCEDURE SetCollision *{gfx,-144}(num{0} : LONGINT;
routine{8} : e.PROC;
gelsInfo{9} : GelsInfoPtr);
PROCEDURE SortGList *{gfx,-150}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE AddAnimOb *{gfx,-156}(anOb{8} : AnimObPtr;
VAR anKey{9} : AnimObPtr;
rp{10} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE Animate *{gfx,-162}(VAR anKey{8} : AnimObPtr;
rp{9} : RastPortPtr);
PROCEDURE GetGBuffers *{gfx,-168}(anOb{8} : AnimObPtr;
rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
flag{0} : BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE InitGMasks *{gfx,-174}(animOb{8} : AnimObPtr);
(*------ General graphics routines ------*)
PROCEDURE DrawEllipse *{gfx,-180}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
xCenter{0} : INTEGER;
yCenter{1} : INTEGER;
a{2} : INTEGER;
b{3} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE AreaEllipse *{gfx,-186}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
xCenter{0} : INTEGER;
yCenter{1} : INTEGER;
a{2} : INTEGER;
PROCEDURE LoadRGB4 *{gfx,-192}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
colors{9} : ARRAY OF INTEGER;
count{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE InitRastPort *{gfx,-198}(VAR rp{9} : RastPort);
PROCEDURE InitVPort *{gfx,-204}(VAR vp{8} : ViewPort);
PROCEDURE OldMrgCop *{gfx,-210}(view{9} : ViewPtr);
PROCEDURE MrgCop *{gfx,-210}(view{9} : ViewPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE MakeVPort *{gfx,-216}(view{8} : ViewPtr;
vp{9} : ViewPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE LoadView *{gfx,-222}(view{9} : ViewPtr);
PROCEDURE WaitBlit *{gfx,-228}();
PROCEDURE SetRast *{gfx,-234}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
pen{0} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE Move *{gfx,-240}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
x{0} : INTEGER;
y{1} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE Draw *{gfx,-246}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
x{0} : INTEGER;
y{1} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE AreaMove *{gfx,-252}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
x{0} : INTEGER;
PROCEDURE AreaDraw *{gfx,-258}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
x{0} : INTEGER;
PROCEDURE AreaEnd *{gfx,-264}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE WaitTOF *{gfx,-270}();
PROCEDURE QBlit *{gfx,-276}(blit{9} : h.BltnodePtr);
PROCEDURE InitArea *{gfx,-282}(VAR areaInfo{8} : AreaInfo;
vectorBuffer{9} : e.APTR;
maxVectors{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE SetRGB4 *{gfx,-288}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
index{0} : INTEGER;
red{1} : INTEGER;
green{2} : INTEGER;
blue{3} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE QBSBlit *{gfx,-294}(blit{9} : h.BltnodePtr);
PROCEDURE BltClear *{gfx,-300}(memBlock{9} : PLANEPTR;
byteCount{0} : LONGINT;
flags{1} : LONGSET);
PROCEDURE RectFill *{gfx,-306}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
xMin{0} : INTEGER;
yMin{1} : INTEGER;
xMax{2} : INTEGER;
yMax{3} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE BltPattern *{gfx,-312}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
mask{8} : PLANEPTR;
xMin{0} : INTEGER;
yMin{1} : INTEGER;
xMax{2} : INTEGER;
yMax{3} : INTEGER;
bytecnt{4} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE ReadPixel *{gfx,-318}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
x{0} : INTEGER;
PROCEDURE WritePixel *{gfx,-324}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
x{0} : INTEGER;
PROCEDURE Flood *{gfx,-330}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
mode{2} : LONGINT;
x{0} : INTEGER;
PROCEDURE PolyDraw *{gfx,-336}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
count{0} : INTEGER;
polyTable{8} : ARRAY OF Point);
PROCEDURE PolyDrawList *{gfx,-336}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
count{0} : INTEGER;
coors{8}.. : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE SetAPen *{gfx,-342}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
pen{0} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE SetBPen *{gfx,-348}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
pen{0} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE SetDrMd *{gfx,-354}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
drawMode{0} : SHORTSET);
PROCEDURE InitView *{gfx,-360}(VAR view{9} : View);
PROCEDURE CBump *{gfx,-366}(copList{9} : UCopListPtr);
PROCEDURE CMove *{gfx,-372}(copList{9} : UCopListPtr;
destination{0} : e.APTR;
data{1} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE CWait *{gfx,-378}(copList{9} : UCopListPtr;
v{0} : INTEGER;
h{1} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE VBeamPos *{gfx,-384}(): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE InitBitMap *{gfx,-390}(VAR bitMap{8} : BitMap;
depth{0} : INTEGER;
width{1} : INTEGER;
height{2} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE ScrollRaster *{gfx,-396}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
x{0} : INTEGER;
y{1} : INTEGER;
xMin{2} : INTEGER;
yMin{3} : INTEGER;
xMax{4} : INTEGER;
yMax{5} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE WaitBOVP *{gfx,-402}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr);
PROCEDURE GetSprite *{gfx,-408}(VAR sprite{8} : SimpleSprite;
PROCEDURE FreeSprite *{gfx,-414}(num{0} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE ChangeSprite *{gfx,-420}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
VAR sprite{9} : SimpleSprite;
newData{10} : PLANEPTR);
PROCEDURE MoveSprite *{gfx,-426}(vo{8} : ViewPortPtr;
VAR sprite{9} : SimpleSprite;
x{0} : INTEGER;
y{1} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE LockLayerRom *{gfx,-432}(layer{13} : LayerPtr);
PROCEDURE UnlockLayerRom *{gfx,-438}(layer{13} : LayerPtr);
PROCEDURE SyncSBitMap *{gfx,-444}(layer{8} : LayerPtr);
PROCEDURE CopySBitMap *{gfx,-450}(layer{8} : LayerPtr);
PROCEDURE OwnBlitter *{gfx,-456}();
PROCEDURE DisownBlitter *{gfx,-462}();
PROCEDURE InitTmpRas *{gfx,-468}(VAR tmpras{8} : TmpRas;
buffer{9} : PLANEPTR;
size{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE AskFont *{gfx,-474}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
textAttr{8} : TextAttr);
PROCEDURE AddFont *{gfx,-480}(textfont{9} : TextFontPtr);
PROCEDURE RemFont *{gfx,-486}(textfont{9} : TextFontPtr);
PROCEDURE AllocRaster *{gfx,-492}(width{0} : INTEGER;
height{1} : INTEGER): PLANEPTR;
PROCEDURE FreeRaster *{gfx,-498}(p{8} : PLANEPTR;
width{0} : INTEGER;
height{1} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE AndRectRegion *{gfx,-504}(region{8} : RegionPtr;
rectangle{9} : Rectangle);
PROCEDURE OrRectRegion *{gfx,-510}(region{8} : RegionPtr;
rectangle{9} : Rectangle): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE NewRegion *{gfx,-516}(): RegionPtr;
PROCEDURE ClearRectRegion*{gfx,-522}(region{8} : RegionPtr;
rectangle{9} : Rectangle): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ClearRegion *{gfx,-528}(region{8} : RegionPtr);
PROCEDURE DisposeRegion *{gfx,-534}(region{8} : RegionPtr);
PROCEDURE FreeVPortCopLists*{gfx,-540}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr);
PROCEDURE FreeCopList *{gfx,-546}(copList{8} : CopListDummyPtr);
PROCEDURE ClipBlit *{gfx,-552}(srcRP{8} : RastPortPtr;
xSrc{0} : INTEGER;
ySrc{1} : INTEGER;
destRP{9} : RastPortPtr;
xDest{2} : INTEGER;
yDest{3} : INTEGER;
xSize{4} : INTEGER;
ySize{5} : INTEGER;
minterm{6} : e.BYTE);
PROCEDURE XorRectRegion *{gfx,-558}(region{8} : RegionPtr;
rectangle{9} : Rectangle): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE FreeCprList *{gfx,-564}(cprlist{8} : CprlistPtr);
PROCEDURE GetColorMap *{gfx,-570}(entries{0} : LONGINT): ColorMapPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeColorMap *{gfx,-576}(colorMap{8} : ColorMapPtr);
PROCEDURE GetRGB4 *{gfx,-582}(colorMap{8} : ColorMapPtr;
entry{0} : LONGINT): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE ScrollVPort *{gfx,-588}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr);
PROCEDURE UCopperListInit*{gfx,-594}(uCopList{8} : UCopListPtr;
n{0} : LONGINT): CopListDummyPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeGBuffers *{gfx,-600}(anOb{8} : AnimObPtr;
rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
flag{0} : BOOLEAN);
PROCEDURE BltBitMapRastPort*{gfx,-606}(srcBitMap{8} : BitMapPtr;
xSrc{0} : INTEGER;
ySrc{1} : INTEGER;
destRP{9} : RastPortPtr;
xDest{2} : INTEGER;
yDest{3} : INTEGER;
xSize{4} : INTEGER;
ySize{5} : INTEGER;
minterm{6} : e.BYTE);
PROCEDURE OrRegionRegion *{gfx,-612}(srcRegion{8} : RegionPtr;
destRegion{9} : RegionPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE XorRegionRegion*{gfx,-618}(srcRegion{8} : RegionPtr;
destRegion{9} : RegionPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE AndRegionRegion*{gfx,-624}(srcRegion{8} : RegionPtr;
destRegion{9} : RegionPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE SetRGB4CM *{gfx,-630}(colorMap{8} : ColorMapPtr;
index{0} : INTEGER;
red{1} : INTEGER;
green{2} : INTEGER;
blue{3} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE BltMaskBitMapRastPort*{gfx,-636}(srcBitMap{8} : BitMapPtr;
xSrc{0} : INTEGER;
ySrc{1} : INTEGER;
destRP{9} : RastPortPtr;
xDest{2} : INTEGER;
yDest{3} : INTEGER;
xSize{4} : INTEGER;
ySize{5} : INTEGER;
minterm{6} : e.BYTE;
bltMask{10} : PLANEPTR);
PROCEDURE AttemptLockLayerRom*{gfx,-654}(layer{13} : LayerPtr): BOOLEAN;
(* --- functions in V36 or higher (Release 2.0) --- *)
(* --- REMEMBER: You are to check the version BEFORE you use this ! --- *)
PROCEDURE GfxNew *{gfx,-660}(gfxNodeType{0} : LONGINT): ExtendedNodePtr;
PROCEDURE GfxFree *{gfx,-666}(gfxNodePtr{8} : ExtendedNodePtr);
PROCEDURE GfxAssociate *{gfx,-672}(associateNode{8}: ExtendedNodePtr;
gfxNodePtr{9} : ExtendedNodePtr);
PROCEDURE BitMapScale *{gfx,-678}(bitScaleArgs{8} : BitScaleArgsPtr);
PROCEDURE ScalerDiv *{gfx,-684}(factor{0} : LONGINT;
numerator{1} : LONGINT;
denominator{2} : LONGINT): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE TextExtent *{gfx,-690}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
string{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
count{0} : LONGINT;
VAR textExt{10} : Textextent);
PROCEDURE TextFit *{gfx,-696}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
string{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
strLen{0} : LONGINT;
textExtent{10} : TextextentPtr;
constrainingExtent{11} : TextextentPtr;
strDirection{1} : LONGINT;
constrainingBitWidth{2} : LONGINT;
constrainingBitHeight{3} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GfxLookUp *{gfx,-702}(associateNode{8}: ExtendedNodePtr): e.APTR;
PROCEDURE VideoControlA *{gfx,-708}(colorMap{8} : ColorMapPtr;
tagarray{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE VideoControl *{gfx,-708}(colorMap{8} : ColorMapPtr;
tags{9}.. : u.Tag): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE OpenMonitor *{gfx,-714}(monitorName{9} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
displayID{0} : LONGINT): MonitorSpecPtr;
PROCEDURE CloseMonitor *{gfx,-720}(monitorSpec{8} : MonitorSpecPtr): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE FindDisplayInfo*{gfx,-726}(displayID{0} : LONGINT): DisplayInfoHandle;
PROCEDURE NextDisplayInfo*{gfx,-732}(displayID{0} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE AddDisplayInfo *{gfx,-738};
PROCEDURE AddDisplayInfoData*{gfx,-744};
PROCEDURE SetDisplayInfoData*{gfx,-750}(handle{8} : DisplayInfoHandle;
buf{9} : ARRAY OF e.BYTE;
size{0} : LONGINT;
tagID{1} : LONGINT;
displayID{2} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetDisplayInfoData*{gfx,-756}(handle{8} : DisplayInfoHandle;
VAR buf{9} : ARRAY OF e.BYTE;
size{0} : LONGINT;
tagID{1} : LONGINT;
displayID{2} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE FontExtent *{gfx,-762}(font{8} : TextFontPtr;
fontExtent{9} : TextFontExtensionPtr);
PROCEDURE ReadPixelLine8 *{gfx,-768}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
xstart{0} : INTEGER;
ystart{1} : INTEGER;
width{2} : INTEGER;
VAR array{10} : ARRAY OF e.BYTE;
tempRP{9} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE WritePixelLine8*{gfx,-774}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
xstart{0} : INTEGER;
ystart{1} : INTEGER;
width{2} : INTEGER;
array{10} : ARRAY OF e.BYTE;
tempRP{9} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ReadPixelArray8*{gfx,-780}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
xstart{0} : INTEGER;
ystart{1} : INTEGER;
xstop{2} : INTEGER;
ystop{3} : INTEGER;
VAR array{10} : ARRAY OF e.BYTE;
tempRP{9} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE WritePixelArray8*{gfx,-786}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
xstart{0} : INTEGER;
ystart{1} : INTEGER;
xstop{2} : INTEGER;
ystop{3} : INTEGER;
array{10} : ARRAY OF e.BYTE;
tempRP{9} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetVPModeID *{gfx,-792}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ModeNotAvailable*{gfx,-798}(modeID{0} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE WeighTAMatchA *{gfx,-804}(reqTextAttr{8} : TextAttr;
VAR targetTextAttr{9} : TextAttr;
targetTags{10} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE WeighTAMatch *{gfx,-804}(reqTextAttr{8} : TextAttr;
VAR targetTextAttr{9} : TextAttr;
targetTags{10}.. : u.Tag): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE EraseRect *{gfx,-810}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
xMin{0} : INTEGER;
yMin{1} : INTEGER;
xMax{2} : INTEGER;
yMax{3} : INTEGER);
PROCEDURE ExtendFontA *{gfx,-816}(font{8} : TextFontPtr;
fontTags{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ExtendFont *{gfx,-816}(font{8} : TextFontPtr;
fontTags{9}.. : u.Tag): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE StripFont *{gfx,-822}(font{8} : TextFontPtr);
(*--- functions in V39 or higher (Release 3) ---*)
PROCEDURE CalcIVG *{gfx,-033CH}(v{8} : ViewPtr;
vp{8} : ViewPortPtr): INTEGER;
PROCEDURE AttachPalExtra *{gfx,-0342H}(cm{8} : ColorMapPtr;
vp{9} : ViewPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ObtainBestPenA *{gfx,-0348H}(cm{8} : ColorMapPtr;
r{1} : LONGINT;
g{2} : LONGINT;
b{3} : LONGINT;
tags{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ObtainBestPen *{gfx,-0348H}(cm{8} : ColorMapPtr;
r{1} : LONGINT;
g{2} : LONGINT;
b{3} : LONGINT;
tag1Type{9}.. : u.Tag): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE SetRGB32 *{gfx,-0354H}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
n{0} : LONGINT;
r{1} : LONGINT;
g{2} : LONGINT;
b{3} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE GetAPen *{gfx,-035AH}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetBPen *{gfx,-0360H}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetDrMd *{gfx,-0366H}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr): LONGSET;
PROCEDURE GetOPen *{gfx,-036CH}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
(* synonym for consistency with SetOutlinePen *)
PROCEDURE GetOutlinePen *{gfx,-036CH}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE LoadRGB32 *{gfx,-0372H}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
PROCEDURE SetChipRev *{gfx,-0378H}(want{0} : LONGSET): LONGSET;
PROCEDURE SetABPenDrMd *{gfx,-037EH}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
apen{0} : LONGINT;
bpen{1} : LONGINT;
drawmode{2} : SHORTSET);
PROCEDURE GetRGB32 *{gfx,-0384H}(cm{8} : ColorMapPtr;
firstcolor{0} : LONGINT;
ncolors{1} : LONGINT;
PROCEDURE AllocBitMap *{gfx,-0396H}(sizex{0} : LONGINT;
sizey{1} : LONGINT;
depth{2} : LONGINT;
flags{3} : LONGSET;
friendBitmap{8}: BitMapPtr): BitMapPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeBitMap *{gfx,-039CH}(bm{8} : BitMapPtr);
PROCEDURE GetExtSpriteA *{gfx,-03A2H}(ss{10} : ExtSpritePtr;
tags{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetExtSprite *{gfx,-03A2H}(ss{10} : ExtSpritePtr;
tag1Type{9}.. : u.Tag): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE CoerceMode *{gfx,-03A8H}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
monitorid{0} : LONGINT;
flags{7} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE ChangeVPBitMap *{gfx,-03AEH}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
bm{9} : BitMapPtr;
db{10} : DBufInfoPtr);
PROCEDURE ReleasePen *{gfx,-03B4H}(cm{8} : ColorMapPtr;
n{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE ObtainPen *{gfx,-03BAH}(cm{8} : ColorMapPtr;
n{0} : LONGINT;
r{1} : LONGINT;
g{2} : LONGINT;
b{3} : LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetBitMapAttr *{gfx,-03C0H}(bm{8} : BitMapPtr;
attrnum{1} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE AllocDBufInfo *{gfx,-03C6H}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr): DBufInfoPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeDBufInfo *{gfx,-03CCH}(dbi{9} : DBufInfoPtr);
PROCEDURE SetOutlinePen *{gfx,-03D2H}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
PROCEDURE SetWriteMask *{gfx,-03D8H}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
PROCEDURE SetMaxPen *{gfx,-03DEH}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
maxpen{0} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE SetRGB32CM *{gfx,-03E4H}(cm{8} : ColorMapPtr;
n{0} : LONGINT;
r{1} : LONGINT;
g{2} : LONGINT;
b{3} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE ScrollRasterBF *{gfx,-03EAH}(rp{9} : RastPortPtr;
dx{0} : LONGINT;
dy{1} : LONGINT;
xMin{2} : LONGINT;
yMin{3} : LONGINT;
xMax{4} : LONGINT;
yMax{5} : LONGINT);
PROCEDURE FindColor *{gfx,-03F0H}(cm{11} : ColorMapPtr;
r{1} : LONGINT;
g{2} : LONGINT;
b{3} : LONGINT;
maxcolor{4} : LONGINT): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE AllocSpriteDataA*{gfx,-03FCH}(bm{10} : BitMapPtr;
tags{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): ExtSpritePtr;
PROCEDURE AllocSpriteData*{gfx,-03FCH}(bm{10} : BitMapPtr;
tag1Type{9}.. : u.Tag): ExtSpritePtr;
PROCEDURE ChangeExtSpriteA*{gfx,-0402H}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
oldsprite{9} : ExtSpritePtr;
newsprite{10} : ExtSpritePtr;
tags{11} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE ChangeExtSprite*{gfx,-402H}(vp{8} : ViewPortPtr;
oldsprite{9} : ExtSpritePtr;
newsprite{10} : ExtSpritePtr;
tag1Type{11}..: u.Tag): BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE FreeSpriteData *{gfx,-0408H}(sp{10} : ExtSpritePtr);
PROCEDURE SetRPAttrsA *{gfx,-040EH}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
tags{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem);
PROCEDURE SetRPAttrs *{gfx,-040EH}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
tag1Type{9}..: u.Tag);
PROCEDURE GetRPAttrsA *{gfx,-0414H}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
tags{9} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem);
PROCEDURE GetRPAttrs *{gfx,-0414H}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
tag1Type{9}.. : u.Tag);
PROCEDURE BestModeIDA *{gfx,-041AH}(tags{8} : ARRAY OF u.TagItem): LONGINT;
PROCEDURE BestModeID *{gfx,-041AH}(tag1Type{8}.. : u.Tag): LONGINT;
(*--- functions in V40 or higher (Release 3.1) ---*)
PROCEDURE WriteChunkyPixels*{gfx,-420H}(rp{8} : RastPortPtr;
xStart{0} : LONGINT;
yStart{1} : LONGINT;
xStop{2} : LONGINT;
yStop{3} : LONGINT;
array{9} : ARRAY OF e.BYTE;
bytesPerRow{5}: LONGINT);
(* $OvflChk- $RangeChk- $StackChk- $NilChk- $ReturnChk- $CaseChk- *)
(* This macro is obsolete as of V39. AllocBitMap() should be used for allocating
bitmap data, since it knows about the machine's particular alignment
(* ************************************************************************ *)
(* these are GEL functions that are currently simple enough to exist as a
* definition. It should not be assumed that this will always be the case
PROCEDURE InitAnimate * (VAR anKey{8}: AnimObPtr);
BEGIN anKey := NIL; END InitAnimate;
PROCEDURE RemBob * (b{8}: BobPtr);
BEGIN INCL(b.flags,bobsAway); END RemBob;
PROCEDURE OnDisplay*; BEGIN h.custom.dmacon := {h.dmaSet,h.raster} END OnDisplay;
PROCEDURE OffDisplay*; BEGIN h.custom.dmacon := {h.raster} END OffDisplay;
PROCEDURE OnSprite*; BEGIN h.custom.dmacon := {h.dmaSet,h.sprite} END OnSprite;
PROCEDURE OffSprite*; BEGIN h.custom.dmacon := {h.sprite} END OffSprite;
PROCEDURE OnVBlank*; BEGIN h.custom.intena := {h.dmaSet,h.vertb } END OnVBlank;
PROCEDURE OffVBlank*; BEGIN h.custom.intena := {h.vertb } END OffVBlank;
PROCEDURE SetOPen*(w{8}: RastPortPtr; c{0}: e.BYTE);
BEGIN w.aOlPen := c; INCL(w.flags,areaOutline); END SetOPen;
PROCEDURE SetDrPt*(w{8}: RastPortPtr; p{0}: INTEGER);
BEGIN w.linePtrn := p; INCL(w.flags,firstDot); w.linPatCnt := 15; END SetDrPt;
PROCEDURE SetWrMsk*(w{8}: RastPortPtr; m{8}: SHORTSET);
BEGIN w.mask := m END SetWrMsk;
(* the SafeSetxxx macros are backwards (pre V39 graphics) compatible versions *)
(* using these macros will make your code do the right thing under V39 AND V37 *)
PROCEDURE SafeSetOutlinePen * (w{8}: RastPortPtr; c{0}: e.BYTE);
IF gfx.libNode.version<39 THEN w.aOlPen := c; INCL(w.flags,areaOutline);
ELSIF SetOutlinePen(w,ORD(c)) = 0 THEN END;
END SafeSetOutlinePen;
PROCEDURE SafeSetWriteMask * (w{8}: RastPortPtr; m{0}: SHORTSET);
PROCEDURE MySetWriteMask{gfx,-03D8H}(rp{8}: RastPortPtr; msk{0}: SHORTSET);
IF gfx.libNode.version<39 THEN w.mask := m;
ELSE MySetWriteMask(w,m); END;
END SafeSetWriteMask;
PROCEDURE SetAfPt*(w{8}: RastPortPtr; p{9}: e.ADDRESS; n{0}: e.BYTE);
BEGIN w.areaPtrn := p; w.areaPtSz := n; END SetAfPt;
PROCEDURE BndryOff*(w{8}: RastPortPtr);
BEGIN EXCL(w.flags,areaOutline) END BndryOff;
PROCEDURE CINIT*(c{8}: UCopListPtr; n{0}: LONGINT);
PROCEDURE CMOVE*(c{9}: UCopListPtr; a{0}: e.ADDRESS; b{1}: INTEGER);
BEGIN CMove(c,a,b); CBump(c) END CMOVE;
PROCEDURE CWAIT*(c{9}: UCopListPtr; a{0},b{1}: INTEGER);
BEGIN CWait(c,a,b); CBump(c) END CWAIT;
PROCEDURE CEND*(c{9}: UCopListPtr);
BEGIN CWAIT(c,10000,255) END CEND;
PROCEDURE DrawCircle*(rp{9}: RastPortPtr; cx{0},cy{1}: INTEGER; r{2}: INTEGER);
BEGIN DrawEllipse(rp,cx,cy,r,r); END DrawCircle;
PROCEDURE AreaCircle*(rp{9}: RastPortPtr; cx{0},cy{1}: INTEGER; r{2}: INTEGER): BOOLEAN;
BEGIN RETURN AreaEllipse(rp,cx,cy,r,r); END AreaCircle;
gfx := e.OpenLibrary(graphicsName,33);
base := gfx;
IF gfx#NIL THEN e.CloseLibrary(gfx) END;
END Graphics.